BuzzWord Chapter 2: The Importance of Having a Feathered Friend in Space – Question Answers

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BuzzWord Chapter 2 Feathered Friend Question Answers:

Chapter 2 Feathered Friend

Summary Chapter 2 Feathered Friend

In the chapter “Feathered Friend”, the narrator is awakened by the sound of his colleague, Sven, struggling to bring a heavy crate into the space station. The narrator soon discovers that the crate contains a canary named Claribel, which Sven has brought from Earth as a “biochemical gas detector.” Claribel’s purpose is to warn the crew if the air supply becomes contaminated.

Despite initial doubts about the wisdom of bringing a bird into space, the narrator realizes that Sven’s selection of a canary was very sensible since it could detect changes in air quality more quickly and effectively than any machine. The narrator grows quite fond of Claribel and enjoys watching her fly in zero-gravity.

However, one day, the canary keels over and the narrator realizes that something is wrong with the air. They quickly discover that a valve in the air circulation system has malfunctioned, allowing toxic gas to seep into the station. Sven and the narrator manage to fix the valve and revive the canary using oxygen and CPR.

Later, they discover that the station’s alarm system had failed to go off, and half a million dollars’ worth of equipment had let them down. They realize that they have been relying too much on technology and machines, rather than trusting their instincts and using simpler, more reliable solutions.

In the end, the narrator and Sven learn an important lesson about the value of having a “feathered friend” in space, and the importance of using both technology and common sense to stay safe in the harsh environment of space.

Reading Chapter 2 Feathered Friend

A. Complete these sentences in your own words. Chapter 2 Feathered Friend

1. The narrator spotted Claribel when ________________

2. Claribel had been brought from Earth by Sven in order to ________________

3. Claribel was hidden away from visiting VIPs because ________________

4. The canary keeled over again because ________________

5. Miners used canaries to ________________

Answers: Chapter 2 Feathered Friend

  1. The narrator spotted Claribel when he was exploring the tunnels deep inside a distant asteroid.
  2. Claribel had been brought from Earth by Sven in order to keep him company during his solitary work on the asteroid.
  3. Claribel was hidden away from visiting VIPs because they would not have approved of keeping a pet canary in a mining operation, and might have caused trouble for Sven and the mining company.
  4. The canary keeled over again because it had been exposed to toxic gases in the mine, which canaries are sensitive to and can detect early warning signs of danger.
  5. Miners used canaries to detect the presence of harmful gases in the mine, as the birds would become sick or die before the gas levels became dangerous for humans.

B. Read these lines from the text and answer the questions. Chapter 2 Feathered Friend

1. There were a couple of narrow escapes-but then who would dream of looking

for a canary in a space station?

a. What kind of escape is the speaker talking about?

b. How did the canary come to be in the space

C. Where did they usually hide the canary?

Answers: Chapter 2 Feathered Friend

a. The speaker is referring to narrow escapes from getting caught hiding the canary on the space station.

b. The canary was brought to the space station by Sven.

c. The canary was usually hidden away from visiting VIPs.

2. “Jim! There’s something wrong with the air! That’s why Claribel’s passed out.”

a. Who said this to whom?

b. Why does the speaker feel that there is something wrong with the air?

C. What had the speaker just remembered?

a. The speaker, Bob, said this to Jim.

b. The speaker, Bob, feels that there is something wrong with the air because the canary, Claribel, passed out.

c. The speaker, Bob, just remembered that miners used canaries to detect poisonous gases in the mines.

C. Answer in detail. Chapter 2 Feathered Friend

1. Why does the narrator feel that Sven’s selection was very sensible?

2. How did the canary adapt to the absence of gravity?

3. How did Sven and the others revive the canary?

4. Why did the alarm fail to go off?

5. How had half a million dollars’ worth of equipment let them down?

Answers: Chapter 2 Feathered Friend

  1. The narrator feels that Sven’s selection of Claribel, the canary, was very sensible because canaries are known to be sensitive to the presence of dangerous gases, and they can detect these gases before humans can. As a result, miners had been using canaries to detect gas leaks in coal mines for years, and bringing a canary on board the space station would serve the same purpose.
  2. The canary adapted to the absence of gravity by learning to use its wings to propel itself around the space station. It also learned to perch upside down and on walls, and it learned to navigate in three dimensions.
  3. Sven and the others revived the canary by giving it oxygen and a small amount of alcohol, which helped to stimulate its respiratory system. They also placed it in a small box with a heat source to help warm it up, and they massaged its chest to help it breathe.
  4. The alarm failed to go off because the dangerous gas that had leaked into the space station was a new type that the alarm had not been programmed to detect. As a result, the crew did not realize that there was a problem until the canary keeled over.
  5. Half a million dollars’ worth of equipment had let them down because the sophisticated gas sensors and alarms that were supposed to detect and warn the crew about dangerous gases had failed to detect the new type of gas that had leaked into the space station. This failure put the lives of the crew members in danger and could have resulted in a disaster if not for the canary’s ability to detect the gas.

D. Think and answer. Chapter 2 Feathered Friend

1. Why do you think the narrator was sluggish that morning?

2. Justify the title of the text (Chapter).

  1. The narrator might have been sluggish that morning due to fatigue or lack of sleep. It could also be possible that they were feeling a bit unwell.
  2. The title “Feathered Friend” is justified because the chapter revolves around Claribel, the canary who becomes the narrator’s companion in space. Despite being a small creature, Claribel plays a crucial role in the chapter’s plot by detecting the presence of dangerous gases in the atmosphere. The title also implies the strong bond between the narrator and Claribel, as they both depend on each other for companionship and survival in the lonely environment of space.

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