Chapter 6 Journey to Jo’burg Summary, Analysis and all question answers

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Chapter 6 Journey to Jo’burg Summary, Analysis and all question answers

Summary of Journey to Jo’burg

Naledi and Tiro, two siblings who live in South Africa during the apartheid time, are also the centre of this chapter. The children suffer a lot of problems as a result of apartheid, including living apart from their mother, riding in congested areas reserved only for black people, and worrying about how the police will treat black kids.

The chapter also focuses on apartheid‘s discriminatory practises, such as the demand that black people get a pass in order to remain in metropolitan areas and look for work. The plot centres on the children’s efforts to assist a poor guy who was detained for not having his pass, as well as the boy’s feelings of resentment and fury towards the police and the government as a result of their unjust laws.

In general, the chapter emphasises the hardships and injustices that black South Africans endured during the apartheid era as well as the tenacity of those who battled against it.

A. Mark the sentences as true (T) or false (F).Journey to Jo’burg

1. Tiro is the elder brother of Naledi.

2. Grace was stuck inside the train and couldn’t make her way out.

3. A policeman yelled at a sixteen-year-old boy.

4. The police took Naledi and Tiro with them.

5. Naledi and Tiro went to the arrested man’s house to get his pass.

6. The children never met Grace again.


1. F

2. T

3. T

4. F

5. T

6. F

B. Answer the questions briefly.Journey to Jo’burg

1. Who are the two main characters in the story? How are they related to each other?

Answers: Naledi and Tiro are the two main characters. They are siblings.

2. Why was the train so crowded?

Answers: The train was crowded because it was rush hour when many people travelled in the train.

3. How did the children get separated from Grace?

Answers: The train was very crowded and the children were pushed out of the train due to the force

of passengers alighting the train. Once they alighted, they were unable to climb back due to the rush of passengers at the door and Grace was also unable to get out of the train.

4. Why did the police come to the railway station?

Answers: The police came to the railway station to check the passes of all passengers at the

railway station.

5. How did Naledi and Tiro try to help the unfortunate man without a pass?

Answers: Naledi and Tiro went to the house of the unfortunate man. They informed his son that his

father had been arrested because he was not carrying his pass.

6. Why did the boy throw a stone at the police car?

Answers: The boy wanted to stop the police van that was carrying his father. He shouted at the

policemen to stop the van but when they did not stop, he threw a stone because he was angry that his father had been arrested.

7. What did the boy mean when he said, ‘How can our parents put up with this?’

Answers: he boy was angry that his parents were suffering due to the policy of apartheid followed

by the South African government.

C. Think and answer the questions.

1. Why do you think the black people needed a pass? What does that tell us about apartheid?

Answers: The black people needed a pass to stay in the urban areas so that they could seek

employment. The pass contained details of the person and his/her employment record. This tell us that apartheid was a very discriminatory system and black people had to face many hardships in South Africa.

2. According to you, what problems did the children in the story face because of apartheid?

Answers: The children faced several hardships due to apartheid. They had to live apart from their

mother. They had to travel in compartments meant only for blacks, and these were usually very crowded. Due to the crowd, they even got separated from their aunt on their way to visit their mother. The children feared the police because they knew that the police mistreated black children.

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Journey to Jo'burg
Journey to Jo'burg

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