New Stepping Stone || Chapter 12 || Laura written by Saki

Laura written by Saki

Summary Of the Chapter 12 Laura written by Saki

In the chapter Laura written by Saki Chapter 12 (New Stepping Stone) A woman named Laura is dying. it is Saturday and she tells Amanda that according to the doctor, she will die next Tuesday. However, Laura believes that she will be reborn when she dies, but she will come back as a lower creature, since she has not been a good person in this life.

Laura does not get along with Amanda’s husband, Egbert: after Egbert complained that Laura was letting the puppies run around in the flower beds and chasing her chickens, Laura counter it by letting the chickens into Egbert’s planting shed, so they could peck at the seeds he had eaten that he planted. Because of this, Laura thinks that she will return after death, but in the form of a lower animal, such as a otter. He thinks life as a otter would be quite nice. If he doesn’t come back as a otter, he says that he wants to be a Nubian (i.e. Egyptian) boy without clothes.

Laura dies on Monday instead of Tuesday, Amanda’s uncle, Sir Lulworth Quane, who complained that Laura’s untimely death was another example of her impolite nature. Shortly after, Egbert announces that an otter has killed four of her chickens. Both Amanda and Sir Lulworth suspect that this otter was actually Laura, that already predicted about her rebirth.

The next day, when whole was at Laura’s funeral, the otter killed the remaining chickens and crushed the flower beds and strawberries.

Egbert decided to kill Otter, so he organizes a hunt and Otter was killed. When Amanda learns of this, and the otter’s appearance is described as similar to Laura’s features, Amanda falls ill with a panic attack, and Egbert takes her to Egypt to recover. While he is there, Egbert angrily announces that a naked Nubian boy has thrown his clean shirt into the bathroom. Amanda, realizing that Laura has returned as a child, falls ill again.

Laura written by Saki

Laura written by Saki -Answer these Questions.

  1. What did Laura think happened to a person who hadn’t been good in life one has just lived?

Ans: Laura thought that a person who hadn’t been good in life that person had to take rebirth in some lower organism.

2. What did Egbert do to trigger one of Laura’s petty vindictive revenges?

Ans: Egbert made a disturbance for example, when Laura took the coolie puppies from the farm out for a walk then Egbert opposed her

3. What did Laura and Amanda think about an otter’s life respectively?

Ans: According to Laura otter is a nice animal, something elegant and lively. According to Amanda otter leads a rather enjoyable life with satisfaction of being able to fetch the trout in their own homes without having to wait for hours

4. What did Laura wish to become after having lived as a ‘good otter’?

Ans: Laura wished to get back into human shape in the form of little brown, unclothed Nubian boy after having lived as a ‘good otter’.

5. Why was Egbert wearing an air of bereavement after Laura’s demise?

Ans: Egbert was wearing an air of bereavement after Laura’s demise because his four speckled Sussex have been killed.

6. What did the otter do on the day of the funeral ceremony?

Ans: The otter killed four speckled Sussex on the funeral day that were about to go to the show on Friday. One of them was dragged and eaten right in the middle of that new carnation bed that he made after much trouble and expense. His best flower bed and his best fowls singled out for destruction,

7. Which episode weakened Amanda’s opposition to Egbert’s idea of killing the otter?

Ans: During the church time on the following Sunday, the otter made its way into the house, and destroyed the all the goods and spread on the Persian rugs in Egbert’s studio that weakened Amanda’s opposition to Egbert’s idea of killing the otter.

8. Why did the Egbert take Amanda to the Nile Valley? What was it effect?

Ans: Egbert took Amanda to the Nile Valley to recover. Changing the scene speedily brought about the desired recovery of health and mental balance.

B. Answer the following with reference to the context

  1. ‘Circumstances never warrant that sort of a thing.’
  1. Who said this?

Ans: Amanda

  • What made the speaker ask this question?

Ans: The speaker asked this question when Laura said that she would be reincarnated into a lower organism.

  • What did the listener say?

Ans: The listener said that Egbert is a circumstance that would warrant any amount of that sort of thing.

2. ‘ You think she really might have passed into some animal form?’

a) Who said this to whom?

Ans: i) Amanda to Sir Lulworth

b) What made the speaker ask this question?

Ans: The speaker asked this question when Sir Lulworth said that Laura was such a irresponsible person in this life and she should not worry about her next birth

  • What does asking such a question tell us about the speaker?

Ans: The speaker is a very emotional person.

Colonel Fazackerley Butterworth-Toast

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