Mastering Subject Verb Agreement: Tips and Examples- How to Get It Right Every Time

Subject verb agreement:

In a sentence, the subject and the verb must agree in number. If the subject is singular, the verb should be singular, and if the subject is plural, the verb should be plural.


Incorrect: The book on the table is interesting. (subject: book; verb: is)

Correct: The books on the table are interesting. (subject: books; verb: are)

  • Tense agreement: The tense of the verb should be consistent throughout the sentence, or the paragraph.


Incorrect: Yesterday, I went to the store and buy some groceries. (tense: past; buy: present)

Correct: Yesterday, I went to the store and bought some groceries. (tense: past; bought: past)

  • Sentence structure: A sentence must have a subject and a predicate. A predicate includes a verb and sometimes an object or complement.


Incorrect: Running in the park. (missing predicate)

Correct: I enjoy running in the park. (subject: I; predicate: enjoy running)

  • Punctuation: Proper use of punctuation marks is necessary to convey meaning and clarify the structure of sentences.


Incorrect: The man walked into the store he bought some milk. (missing punctuation)

Correct: The man walked into the store; he bought some milk. (two complete sentences, separated by a semicolon)

  • Use of modifiers: Modifiers such as adjectives and adverbs should be placed close to the words they modify.


Incorrect: She served the guests a burnt turkey on a silver platter. (modifier in the wrong place)

Correct: She served the guests a turkey burnt to a crisp on a silver platter. (modifier in the correct place)

English syntax is a vast and complex subject, and there are many other rules and concepts that you may need to know depending on the level and type of exam you are preparing for.

For example, other syntax rules that you may encounter on exams include:

  1. Agreement of pronouns with their antecedents
  2. Use of parallelism in sentence construction
  3. Placement of adverbial phrases and clauses
  4. Use of relative pronouns and clauses
  5. Correct use of conjunctions
  6. Use of passive voice
  • Agreement of pronouns with their antecedents

Agreement of pronouns with their antecedents is an important syntax rule in English grammar. Pronouns are words that replace nouns, and antecedents are the nouns that pronouns replace. In order for a sentence to be grammatically correct, the pronoun must agree with its antecedent in terms of number, gender, and person. Here are the complete rules for agreement of pronouns with their antecedents:

  1. Number agreement: The pronoun must agree with the antecedent in terms of singular or plural.


Incorrect: Each of the boys put on their hats. (singular antecedent, plural pronoun)

Correct: Each of the boys put on his hat. (singular antecedent, singular pronoun)

  • Gender agreement: The pronoun must agree with the gender of the antecedent.


Incorrect: Sarah took his backpack and left. (feminine antecedent, masculine pronoun)

Correct: Sarah took her backpack and left. (feminine antecedent, feminine pronoun)

  • Person agreement: The pronoun must agree with the person of the antecedent.


Incorrect: Tom is going to the store, and they need some milk. (third person antecedent, second person pronoun)

Correct: Tom is going to the store, and he needs some milk. (third person antecedent, third person pronoun)

  • Indefinite pronouns: Indefinite pronouns like “everyone,” “anyone,” and “someone” are singular and should be paired with singular pronouns.


Incorrect: Everyone should do what they think is right. (singular antecedent, plural pronoun)

Correct: Everyone should do what he or she thinks is right. (singular antecedent, singular pronoun)

  • Relative pronouns: Relative pronouns like “who,” “whom,” and “that” must agree with the antecedent in terms of number and gender.


Incorrect: The woman that won the prize, she was very happy. (singular antecedent, plural pronoun)

Correct: The woman who won the prize, she was very happy. (singular antecedent, singular pronoun)

These are the main rules for agreement of pronouns with their antecedents. By following these rules, you can ensure that your sentences are grammatically correct and effectively communicate your intended meaning.

  • Use of parallelism in sentence construction

Parallelism is a syntax rule in English grammar that refers to the use of matching or similar grammatical structures in a sentence or series of sentences. This rule is often used to create balance and clarity in writing. Here are the complete rules for the use of parallelism in sentence construction:

  1. Parallel structure: Elements in a series or list should be in parallel form, meaning they should have the same grammatical structure.


Incorrect: She likes hiking, swimming, and to ride a bike. (mixed verb forms)

Correct: She likes hiking, swimming, and biking. (consistent verb forms)

  • Parallelism with conjunctions: When using conjunctions like “and” or “or,” the items being joined should be in parallel form.


Incorrect: The company is looking for a candidate who is skilled in programming and a problem solver. (mixed verb forms)

Correct: The company is looking for a candidate who is skilled in programming and problem-solving. (consistent verb forms)

  • Parallelism with correlative conjunctions: Correlative conjunctions like “both…and,” “either…or,” and “neither…nor” require parallelism in their structures.


Incorrect: Either you must work hard or to study more to pass the exam. (mixed verb forms)

Correct: You must either work hard or study more to pass the exam. (parallel structures)

  • Parallelism with comparisons: When making comparisons, the elements being compared should be in parallel form.


Incorrect: Sarah is more efficient than her co-workers and she works longer hours. (mixed verb forms)

Correct: Sarah is more efficient than her co-workers and works longer hours. (parallel structures)

  • Parallelism with verb tenses: When expressing a series of actions in the past, present, or future, the verbs should be in the same tense.


Incorrect: She woke up, makes coffee, and goes for a walk. (mixed verb tenses)

Correct: She woke up, made coffee, and went for a walk. (consistent verb tenses)

By following these rules for parallelism, you can create more effective and clearer sentences. The use of parallel structure can enhance your writing and make your meaning more apparent to your reader.

  • Placement of adverbial phrases and clauses

The placement of adverbial phrases and clauses is an important syntax rule in English grammar. Adverbial phrases and clauses provide additional information about when, where, why, or how an action takes place. Correct placement of these elements can help to clarify the meaning of a sentence. Here are the complete rules for the placement of adverbial phrases and clauses:

  1. Beginning of a sentence: Adverbial phrases and clauses can be placed at the beginning of a sentence to emphasize the time, place, manner, or reason for the action.


In the morning, I like to drink coffee. (adverbial phrase indicating time)

After the party ended, we went to a restaurant. (adverbial clause indicating time)

  • End of a sentence: Adverbial phrases and clauses can also be placed at the end of a sentence to provide additional information about the action.


She went to the store, despite the rain. (adverbial phrase indicating circumstance)

He studies hard every day, so he can pass the exam. (adverbial clause indicating reason)

  • Placement with verbs: Adverbial phrases and clauses can be placed next to the verb they modify to indicate the manner in which the action is performed.


She drove carefully on the icy road. (adverbial phrase indicating manner)

He sang the song with great enthusiasm. (adverbial phrase indicating manner)

  • Placement with adjectives and adverbs: Adverbial phrases and clauses can be placed next to adjectives and adverbs to modify their meaning.


The weather is extremely hot today. (adverbial phrase modifying the adjective “hot”)

He speaks English quite fluently. (adverbial phrase modifying the adverb “fluently”)

  • Placement for clarity: Adverbial phrases and clauses should be placed in a sentence in a way that makes the meaning clear and avoids ambiguity.


I ate dinner with my family before we went to the movie. (adverbial phrase indicating time)

Before we went to the movie, I ate dinner with my family. (same adverbial phrase, but with clearer placement)

By following these rules for the placement of adverbial phrases and clauses, you can improve the clarity and effectiveness of your sentences.

  • Use of relative pronouns and clauses

The use of relative pronouns and clauses is an important syntax rule in English grammar. Relative pronouns and clauses are used to provide additional information about a noun in a sentence. Here are the complete rules for the use of relative pronouns and clauses:

  1. Use of relative pronouns: Relative pronouns include “who,” “whom,” “whose,” “that,” and “which.” They are used to connect a relative clause to a noun or pronoun in the main clause.

Example: The woman who is wearing the red dress is my sister.

  1. Use of non-defining relative clauses: Non-defining relative clauses provide additional information about a noun or pronoun in the sentence, but are not essential to the meaning of the sentence. They are separated from the main clause by commas.

Example: My brother, who is a doctor, is coming to visit.

  1. Use of defining relative clauses: Defining relative clauses provide essential information about a noun or pronoun in the sentence. They are not separated from the main clause by commas.

Example: The book that I am reading is very interesting.

  1. Use of “that” vs. “which”: “That” is used in defining relative clauses, while “which” is used in non-defining relative clauses.

Example: The car that I bought is very reliable. (defining relative clause) My car, which is blue, is very reliable. (non-defining relative clause)

  1. Use of “who” vs. “whom”: “Who” is used as the subject of a verb, while “whom” is used as the object of a verb or preposition.

Example: The man who I met at the party was very interesting. (subject of the verb) The woman whom I talked to was very friendly. (object of the verb) The person to whom I gave the gift was very grateful. (object of the preposition)

By following these rules for the use of relative pronouns and clauses, you can improve the clarity and effectiveness of your sentences.

Fill-ups on Subject-Verb-Agreement

  1. My sister __ (is) a doctor.
  2. The boys __ (are) playing in the park.
  3. The cake __ (smells) delicious.
  4. The dog __ (barks) loudly.
  5. The teacher __ (teaches) math.
  6. The flowers in the garden __ (look) beautiful.
  7. The movie __ (was) very good.
  8. The birds __ (sing) in the morning.
  9. My parents __ (are) going on vacation.
  10. The book on the shelf __ (belongs) to my friend.
  11. The students in the class __ (are) studying for the exam.
  12. The sky __ (is) blue.
  13. The car in the garage __ (needs) a new battery.
  14. The team __ (is) playing well this season.
  15. The soup on the stove __ (smells) delicious.
  16. The music in the room __ (is) loud.
  17. The fish in the aquarium __ (swim) gracefully.
  18. The children in the park __ (are) having fun.
  19. The coffee in the cup __ (is) hot.
  20. The flowers in the vase __ (need) water.
  21. The teacher and the students in the classroom __ (are) working hard.
  22. The guests at the party __ (are) having a good time.
  23. The baby in the crib __ (cries) loudly.
  24. The computer on the desk __ (is) new.
  25. The trees in the forest __ (are) tall.
  26. The athletes on the field __ (are) competing fiercely.
  27. The food on the table __ (looks) delicious.
  28. The books on the shelf __ (need) to be organized.
  29. The cat in the house __ (purr) contentedly.
  30. The athletes in the race __ (run) fast.
  31. The car in the garage __ (has) a flat tire.
  32. The players on the team __ (are) talented.
  33. The water in the pool __ (feels) refreshing.
  34. The students in the classroom __ (listen) attentively to the teacher.
  35. The dog in the park __ (runs) happily.
  36. The paintings in the gallery __ (are) beautiful.
  37. The dishes in the sink __ (need) to be washed.
  38. The students in the class __ (understand) the lesson.
  39. The cookies in the jar __ (smell) delicious.
  40. The singers on stage __ (perform) well.
  41. The guitar in the corner __ (belongs) to my brother.
  42. The flowers on the table __ (need) to be watered.
  43. The guests at the wedding __ (dance) happily.
  44. The house on the corner __ (looks) abandoned.
  45. The team in the tournament __ (plays) well.
  46. The coffee on the counter __ (is) cold.
  47. The actors in the play __ (perform) brilliantly.
  48. The stars in the sky __ (twinkle) brightly.
  49. The paintings on the wall __ (are) worth a lot of money.
  50. The vegetables in the garden __ (are) fresh.
  51. The baby in the stroller __ (sleeps) peacefully.
  52. The musicians on stage __ (play) beautifully.
  53. The books on the shelf __ (are) organized.
  54. The flowers in the garden __ (need) to be watered.
  55. The guests at the dinner party __ (enjoy) The water in the bottle __ (is) cold.
  56. The children in the class __ (are) well-behaved.
  57. The car on the street __ (needs) a wash.
  58. The coffee at the café __ (is) too hot.
  59. The players on the team __ (work) well together.
  60. The dogs in the park __ (play) together.
  61. The snow on the ground __ (looks) beautiful.
  62. The students in the class __ (participate) actively.
  63. The cake on the counter __ (smells) delicious.
  64. The performers on stage __ (dance) gracefully.
  65. The pictures on the wall __ (are) hung unevenly.
  66. The fruit in the basket __ (is) fresh.
  67. The employees at the company __ (work) hard.
  68. The music in the club __ (is) loud.
  69. The plant in the pot __ (needs) sunlight.
  70. The athletes in the competition __ (are) focused.
  71. The books on the shelf __ (have) interesting covers.
  72. The ocean waves __ (crash) against the shore.
  73. The glasses on the table __ (need) to be cleaned.
  74. The food at the restaurant __ (tastes) amazing.
  75. The athletes in the game __ (play) strategically.
  76. The light in the room __ (is) too bright.
  77. The people in the crowd __ (cheer) loudly.
  78. The coffee at the office __ (is) always fresh.
  79. The birds in the sky __ (fly) gracefully.
  80. The trees in the park __ (provide) shade.
  81. The film at the cinema __ (is) entertaining.
  82. The cars on the highway __ (drive) fast.
  83. The colors in the painting __ (blend) well together.
  84. The students in the classroom __ (follow) the instructions.
  85. The snow on the mountain __ (is) pristine.
  86. The food at the party __ (is) delicious.
  87. The dancers on the stage __ (move) fluidly.
  88. The flowers in the garden __ (are) in full bloom.
  89. The pencils on the desk __ (need) to be sharpened.
  90. The fans at the concert __ (sing) along.
  91. The houses on the street __ (are) well-maintained.
  92. The sun in the sky __ (shines) brightly.
  93. The shoes on the rack __ (are) all different sizes.
  94. The students in the classroom __ (pay) attention to the lesson.
  95. The trees in the forest __ (provide) oxygen.
  96. The book on the table __ (is) interesting.
  97. The clothes in the closet __ (need) to be organized.
  98. The fruit on the tree __ (is) ripe.
  99. The performers on the stage __ (sing) beautifully.
  100. The people in the line __ (wait) patiently.
  101. The sky at sunset __ (looks) gorgeous.
  102. The cupcakes on the tray __ (are) decorated nicely.
  103. The players in the match __ (compete) fiercely.
  104. The music on the radio __ (is) catchy.

MCQS on Subject verb agreement

1. The dog ______ in the park.

a) runs b) run c) running

Answer: a) runs

2. The group of students ______ to the museum.

a) goes b) go c) going

Answer: b) go

3. Either the cat or the dogs ______ the mess.

a) makes b) make c) made

Answer: b) make

4. The book on the table ______ mine.

a) is b) are c) were

Answer: a) is

5. One of the boys ______ from the team.

a) is missing b) are missing c) am missing

Answer: a) is missing

6. The concert tickets ______ expensive.

a) is b) are c) were

Answer: b) are

7. Neither the teacher nor the students ______ ready.

a) is b) are c) am

Answer: b) are

8. My sister and I ______ swimming every day.

a) go b) goes c) going

Answer: a) go

9. The box of apples ______ heavy.

a) is b) are c) were

Answer: a) is

10. The flowers in the garden ______ beautiful.

a) is b) are c) were

Answer: b) are

11. The weather ______ nice today.

a) is b) are c) were

Answer: a) is

12. A group of geese ______ flying in the sky.

a) is b) are c) were

Answer: b) are

13. Each of the students ______ a different language.

a) speaks b) speak c) speaking

Answer: a) speaks

14. The news ______ not good.

a) is b) are c) were

Answer: a) is

15. Every one of the books ______ interesting.

a) is b) are c) were

Answer: a) is

16. The cake on the table ______ delicious.

a) is b) are c) were

Answer: a) is

17. The shoes under the bed ______ mine.

a) is b) are c) were

Answer: b) are

18. The group of girls ______ to the movies.

a) goes b) go c) going

Answer: b) go

19. The old car in the garage ______ broken.

a) is b) are c) were

Answer: a) is

20. A lot of money ______ needed for the project.

a) is b) are c) were

Answer: a) is

21. The pair of shoes on the floor ______ mine.

a) is b) are c) were

Answer: a) is

22. Each of the players ______ a different position.

a) plays b) play c) playing

Answer: a) plays

23. The crowd at the concert ______ loud.

a) is b) are c) were

Answer: b) are

24. The group of birds ______ in the sky.

a) is flying b) are flying c) were flying

Answer: b) are flying

25. The plate of cookies on the table ______ delicious.

a) is b) are c) were

Answer: a) is

26. The package on the porch ______ for me. a) is b) are c) were

Answer: a) is

The group of friends ______ to the beach.

  1. goes b) go c) going

Answer: b) go

27. The herd of sheep ______ grazing in the field.

a) is b) are c) were

Answer: b) are

28. The team of players ______ in different positions.

a) plays b) play c) playing

Answer: b) play

29. The collection of books ______ in the library.

a) is b) are c) were

Answer: a) is

30. The group of employees ______ working hard.

a) is b) are c) were

Answer: b) are

31. The flock of birds ______ south for the winter.

a) flies b) fly c) flying

Answer: a) flies

32. The company’s profits ______ increasing each year.

a) is b) are c) were

Answer: b) are

33. The pair of socks on the floor ______ mine.

a) is b) are c) were

Answer: a) is

34. The package of books ______ delivered to the library.

a) is b) are c) were

Answer: a) is

35. The group of singers ______ performing at the concert.

a) is b) are c) were

Answer: b) are

36. The set of keys on the table ______ mine.

a) is b) are c) were

Answer: b) are

37. The committee ______ discussing the new proposal.

a) is b) are c) were

Answer: a) is

38. The family of rabbits ______ in the field.

a) is b) are c) were

Answer: b) are

39. The team of researchers ______ analyzing the data.

a) is b) are c) were

Answer: b) are

40. The pile of books on the desk ______ getting taller.

a) is b) are c) were

Answer: a) is

41. The group of musicians ______ rehearsing for the concert.

a) is b) are c) were

Answer: b) are

42. The swarm of bees ______ buzzing around the flowers.

a) is b) are c) were

Answer: b) are

43. The group of people ______ waiting for the bus.

a) is b) are c) were

Answer: b) are

44. The pair of scissors on the table ______ sharp.

a) is b) are c) were

Answer: a) is

45. The cluster of grapes on the vine ______ ripe.

a) is b) are c) were

Answer: a) is

46. The bundle of sticks on the ground ______ too heavy to carry.

a) is b) are c) were

Answer: a) is

47. The bouquet of flowers on the table ______ beautiful.

a) is b) are c) were

Answer: a) is

48. The litter of puppies ______ playing in the yard.

a) is b) are c) were

Answer: b) are

49. The crowd at the game ______ cheering for their team.

a) is b) are c) were

Answer: b) are

50. The group of painters ______ working on the mural.

a) is b) are c) were

The fleet of ships ______ in the harbor.

  1. is b) are c) were

Answer: a) is

51. The deck of cards on the table ______ shuffled.

a) is b) are c) were

Answer: a) is

52. The bundle of clothes on the floor ______ dirty.

a) is b) are c) were

Answer: a) is

53. The collection of stamps ______ valuable.

a) is b) are c) were

Answer: a) is

54. The pack of wolves ______ hunting for prey.

a) is b) are c) were

Answer: b) are

55. The bouquet of balloons ______ colorful.

a) is b) are c) were

Answer: a) is

56. The swarm of mosquitoes ______ annoying.

a) is b) are c) were

Answer: b) are

57. The series of lectures ______ informative.

a) is b) are c) were

Answer: a) is

58. The family of ducks ______ swimming in the pond.

a) is b) are c) were

Answer: b) are

59. The group of friends ______ going to the movies.

a) is b) are c) were

Answer: b) are

60. The bundle of wires on the floor ______ tangled.

a) is b) are c) were

Answer: a) is

61. The collection of paintings ______ on display at the museum.

a) is b) are c) were

Answer: a) is

62. The stack of papers on the desk ______ needs to be sorted.

a) is b) are c) were

Answer: a) is

63. The pair of shoes in the closet ______ too small.

a) is b) are c) were

Answer: a) is

64. The group of students ______ studying for the exam.

a) is b) are c) were

Answer: b) are

65. The swarm of flies ______ annoying the picnic guests.

a) is b) are c) were

Answer: b) are

66. The group of workers ______ fixing the road.

a) is b) are c) were

Answer: b) are

67. The cluster of stars in the sky ______ shining brightly.

a) is b) are c) were

Answer: a) is

68. The fleet of planes ______ ready for takeoff.

a) is b) are c) were

Answer: b) are

69. The pack of cigarettes on the counter ______ empty.

a) is b) are c) were

Answer: a) is

70. The herd of cattle ______ grazing in the pasture.

a) is b) are c) were

Answer: b) are

71. The set of tools on the workbench ______ well-organized.

a) is b) are c) were

Answer: a) is

72. The team of chefs ______ preparing the meal.

a) is b) are c) were

Answer: b) are

73. The group of tourists ______ taking pictures.

a) is b) are c) were

Answer: b) are

74. The bundle of firewood ______ too heavy to lift.

a) is b) are c) were

Answer: a)

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