Chapter 8 My donkey sally Summary, Analysis, and Questions & Answers

In this Blog Post, I Am sharing with you My donkey sally Summary, Analysis, and Questions & Answers

Summary of My donkey sally:

My Donkey Sally” is a humorous and heart-warming story about a boy named Gerry and his eccentric family. Gerry wants a donkey for his birthday, but his mother is hesitant to grant his wish. However, the day before his birthday, strange things start happening in the house, including the arrival of a bamboo hut and the mysterious disappearance of Gerry’s bed.

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On his birthday, Gerry wakes up to find his room decorated with balloons and a donkey named Sally standing in front of him. The donkey is decked up with ribbons and bows, and Gerry is overjoyed. As the day progresses, Gerry realizes that the bamboo hut is not just a random decoration but is, in fact, a shelter for Sally.

My donkey sally Summary, Analysis, and Questions & Answers

Must Read The Listeners

The story My donkey sally is full of funny and amusing moments, like Gerry’s father mistaking the bamboo hut for a table, and the whole house smelling like a stable after Sally arrives. Despite the chaos, the family is shown to be loving and caring towards each other.

Must Read Whose Place is it anyway

As Gerry spends time with Sally, he realizes that having a pet comes with responsibility. He takes care of her, feeds her, and cleans up after her. In the end, Sally serves her real purpose when Gerry’s sister Margo falls ill and needs a ride to the hospital. Sally carries Margo to the hospital, and her presence becomes a source of comfort for the family.

Must read Our Casuarina Tree

The story My donkey sally highlights the importance of family and the joy of giving and receiving love. It also shows that even in the midst of chaos and unusual situations, love and care can bring people closer together.

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A. Answer these questions. My donkey sally

1. When did Gerry decide that he wanted a donkey?

2. How did Gerry try to convince his mother to fulfil his desire?

3. What did Costas think the bamboo house was for?

4. How was the donkey decked up? Who had decorated her?

5. What did the donkey do as soon as it walked into Gerry’s room?

6. Why was Margo unhappy?

7. What did Gerry name the donkey?

Chapter 1 George’s Secret Key to the universe

Answers: My donkey sally

  1. Gerry decided that he wanted a donkey after he had read a book about them.
  2. Gerry tried to convince his mother to fulfil his desire by telling her all about the good things a donkey could do, such as carry water from the well and help in the garden.
  3. Costas thought the bamboo house was for keeping chickens.
  4. The donkey was decked up with ribbons, bells, and a garland of flowers. Spiro and his son had decorated her.
  5. As soon as the donkey walked into Gerry’s room, it ate his books.
  6. Margo was unhappy because she thought that the donkey was going to be noisy and smelly.
  7. Gerry named the donkey “Jenny.”

Chapter 2 Feathered Friend

B. Read these lines from the text and answer these questions. My donkey sally

1. “What does Mother want with a bamboo house?”

a. Who was Gerry addressing?

b. What was the listener’s opinion about the house?

C. Did Gerry believe what the listener said?

Answers: My donkey sally

a. Gerry was addressing his friend, Costas.

b. Costas was confused about why Gerry’s mother would want a bamboo house.

c. It is not explicitly mentioned whether Gerry believed Costas’ opinion or not.

Chapter 3 The Hound of the Baskervilles

2. “The whole place smells like a stable.”

a. Who said this and to whom?

b. Why did the place smell like a stable? What caused the smell?

C. Was Gerry upset by the smell? Or was he enjoying it? How do you know?

a. Gerry said this to his sister Margo.

b. The donkey that Gerry brought inside the house caused the smell.

c. Neither Gerry was upset nor happy by the smell, but according to the story it seems like he was enjoying it as he was excited about the donkey.

Chapter 4 Macbeth and the Witches

C. Answer in detail. My donkey sally

1. Describe the curious things that started happening in the house the day before Gerry’s birthday.

2. How did Gerry react to his birthday present?

3. Describe Gerry’s birthday present. What did he do with it?

4. When was the real purpose of the hut revealed? Did it serve its function well?

5. Describe briefly the change in Gerry’s attitude towards his family after he received the gift.

Chapter 5 Waste Disposal

Answers: My donkey sally

  1. The day before Gerry’s birthday, curious things began to happen in the house. Margo seemed to be in a bad mood, and Gerry’s mother was busy with some mysterious project involving bamboo. Gerry was curious about what his mother was up to, but she refused to tell him. Later in the evening, Gerry heard some strange noises coming from the yard, and he went to investigate. He found his family there, along with a donkey, which had been decorated with ribbons and flowers. Gerry was overjoyed to see the donkey, but he was still curious about the bamboo house that his mother had been building.
  2. Gerry was over the moon with his birthday present. He couldn’t believe his luck when he saw the beautifully decorated donkey in his room. He hugged the animal and was delighted to have a new friend. Gerry was also pleased with the bamboo house that his mother had built, and he thought it was a wonderful addition to their home.
  3. Gerry’s birthday present was a donkey that had been decorated with flowers and ribbons. He was so happy to have the animal that he immediately took it to his room and played with it. Gerry also received a bamboo house, which he thought was an incredible gift. He put some of his toys inside it and even slept in it that night.
  4. The real purpose of the bamboo hut was revealed a few days later, when Gerry’s mother told him that it was actually a chicken coop. The coop served its function well, and it was a useful addition to the household.
  5. After receiving the gift, Gerry’s attitude towards his family changed. He realized that they loved him and wanted to make him happy. He was grateful for the present and began to appreciate his family more. Gerry was also happy that he had a new friend in the donkey, and he enjoyed spending time with the animal. Overall, Gerry became a more positive and appreciative person after receiving his birthday present.

Chapter 6 River, Up Close and personal

D. Think and answer. My donkey sally

1. Throughout the story, Gerry indicates that his family is eccentric and behaves very strangely. What, do you think, is the kind of relationship they share?

Give examples from the story to support your answer.

2. Why was Gerry unable to guess what his family was up to?

3. A lot of the humour in this story is situational, which means that the characters find themselves in the middle of funny situations and events. How do this? Discuss.

Answers: My donkey sally

  1. Based on the events in the story, it seems that Gerry’s family has a close and affectionate relationship, despite their eccentricities. They are willing to go to great lengths to make each other happy, as evidenced by their elaborate birthday surprise for Gerry. Additionally, they often engage in playful banter and teasing, which suggests a comfortable familiarity with one another. For example, when Margo teases Gerry about his donkey, he responds with good-natured sarcasm. Overall, their interactions are characterized by a sense of warmth and humour.
  2. Gerry was unable to guess what his family was up to because they were very secretive and careful not to reveal their plans. They took great pains to keep their activities hidden, even going so far as to construct a bamboo hut in secret. Additionally, Gerry was so preoccupied with his own desire for a donkey that he did not suspect that his family might be planning something else for his birthday.
  3. The humour in this story is largely derived from the absurdity of the situations that the characters find themselves in. For example, Gerry wakes up to find a fully-decorated donkey in his bedroom, which is a highly unusual and unexpected occurrence. Similarly, the construction of the bamboo hut and the revelation of its true purpose are unexpected and humorous twists. The story also employs situational irony, such as when Gerry is so focused on his desire for a donkey that he fails to recognize the true gift that his family has given him. Overall, the story’s humor arises from the characters’ eccentricities and the unpredictable events that unfold around them.

E. Know your values. My donkey sally

In the story, we see how Gerry’s family members give him a big surprise on his birthday. They appear to be casual at first but soon we see how loving and caring they are towards each other.


In the story, we see how Gerry’s family values love and care towards each other. They may appear eccentric and casual, but they go to great lengths to make Gerry’s birthday special. Their actions show that they prioritize family bonds and cherish the moments they spend together. They also demonstrate the value of creativity and resourcefulness in making the most of what they have. Overall, the story highlights the importance of family, love, and caring relationships in our lives.

My donkey sally

My donkey sally Summary

My donkey sally Analyze