Prayer of a Sportsman By Berton Braley Chapter 13 Collins Enhanced English Alive Coursebook || Class 8 || Summary- Analysis- All Questions Answers

In this post, I am sharing with you Class 8 Chapter 13 Prayer of a Sportsman By Berton Braley || Summary, Analysis, and All exercises and answers

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Poem Prayer of a Sportsman

Dear Lord, in the battle that goes on through life

I ask but a field that is fair,

A chance that is equal with all in the strife,

A courage to strive and to dare;

And if should win, let it be by the code

With my faith and my honor held high;

And if I should lose, let me stand by the road,

And cheer as the winners go by.

And Lord, may my shouts be ungrudging and clear,

A tribute that comes from the heart,

And let me not cherish a snarl or a sneer

Or play any sniveling part;

Let me say, “There they ride, on whom laurel’s bestowed

Since they played the game better than I.”

Let me stand with a smile by the side of the road,

And cheer as the winners go by.

So grant me to conquer, if conquer I can,

By proving my worth in the fray,

But teach me to lose like a regular man,

And not like a craven, I pray;

Let me take off my hat to the warriors who strode

To victory splendid and high,

Yea, teach me to stand by the side of the road

And cheer as the winners go by.


Summary of Prayer of a Sportsman

The poem depicts a sportsman’s prayer to God, asking for a fair and equal chance to compete with his opponents, and the courage to play well within the rules of the game. The sportsman seeks to win, but only within the code of the sport, and he is willing to accept defeat gracefully and cheer the winner without any grudges. The sportsman wants to take off his hat for the winner as a sign of respect and acknowledgement of their skill and achievements. The poem highlights the qualities of sportsmanship, including fairness, integrity, humility, and respect for others. Winning is not the ultimate goal of the game, but rather having fun and being entertained by it. Therefore, the primary goal of a game should not be winning but playing with sportsmanship.

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Prayer of a Sportsman

COMPREHENSION Prayer of a Sportsman

A. Choose the correct option.

1. The poem is a prayer by a

a. captain.

b. batsman.

c. sportsman.

2. By a courage to strive and to dare, the sportsman means the courage

a. to work hard towards his goal and face all challenges.

b. to fight with other sportspersons.

c. to win the game even if by breaking the rules.

3. And Lord, may my shouts be ungrudging and clear,

A tribute that comes from the heart. Here shouts means

a. cheers of praise.

b. shouts of anger.

c. shouts for help.

4. Let me say, ‘There they ride, on whom laurel’s bestowed

Since they played the game better than I’ Here, the sportsman is talking about

a. the players who lost the game badly.

b. the players who played well but still lost lost the

c. the players who won the game.

5. But teach me to lose like a regular man,

game. And not like a craven, I pray. Here, the sportsman means

a. that it is important to accept defeat gracefully.

b. that only a coward will pray.

c. that it is not right to lose.

6. Yea, teach me to stand by the side of the road

And cheer as the winners go by. This is about sportspeople

a. not being patient with a loss in the game.

b. showing sportsmanship even if they lose.

c. never losing a game.


1. c

2. a

3. a

4. c

5. a

6. B

B. Answer the questions briefly. Prayer of a Sportsman

1. What was the sportsman asking the Lord for?

Answer: The sportsman was asking the Lord to grant him a fair and equal chance with his opponents in the game, and the courage to play well as per the rules of the game.

2. Did the sportsman want to win by all means? Quote relevant lines from the poem to support your answer.

Answer: No, the sportsman wanted to win only as per the rules of the sport. The line, ‘And if I should win, let it be by the code’ supports this.

3. What did the sportsman want to do if he lost a game?

Answer: The sportsman wanted to cheer the winner/winning team if he lost the game.

4. How did he want to appreciate the winners?

Answer: He wanted to appreciate the winners without any grudge or malice.

5. Why did the sportsman want to take off his hat? What did it mean?

Answer: The sportsman wanted to take of his hat for the winners of the game as a sign of respect. It also means that he wanted to praise and acknowledge the skill and achievements of the winners.

6. The sportsman asks for a chance that is equal with all in the strife. Do you think this is possible in real life? Give reasons for your answer.

Answer: Yes, it is possible. Sports increases the spirit of sportsmanship and in the spirit of sportsmanship every sportsman want a equal and fair chance for everyone.

C. Think and answer the questions. Prayer of a Sportsman

1. Do you think winning is more important than following the rules of the game? Justify your answer.

Answer: Only while participating in a competitive activity does winning or losing have any significance. The purpose of a game is to have fun and be entertained by it. Thus, while some rivalry is never a bad thing, the primary goal of a game shouldn’t be winning.

2. What do you learn about the sportsman from the poem? Write a short note describing the sportsman’s qualities.

Answer: The poem is a sportsman’s sincere devotion to God. In this poem, the athlete prays to God for courage and strength. The poet seeks strength so that he can play effectively and give his all. He wants a fair game without any improper or illegal passes or cheating.

Prayer of a Sportsman

Prayer of a Sportsman

Prayer of a Sportsman

Prayer of a Sportsman

Prayer of a Sportsman

Prayer of a Sportsman

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