MCQS on Preposition: A Comprehensive Guide

At our company, we believe in providing our clients with the best possible resources for learning and growth. That’s why we’ve put together this comprehensive guide on prepositions, specifically focused on MCQS on prepositions. Our team of expert writers and editors has carefully crafted this article to help you not only understand the concept of prepositions but also ace any MCQS on prepositions that come your way.

What are Prepositions?

Prepositions are words that show the relationship between a noun or pronoun and other words in a sentence. They are used to indicate the position, location, direction, time, and manner of the noun or pronoun they are referring to. Some examples of prepositions include ‘in’, ‘on’, ‘at’, ‘to’, ‘with’, ‘by’, ‘for’, ‘about’, and ‘from’.

Understanding MCQS on Prepositions

MCQS on prepositions are commonly used in English language tests, exams, and interviews. They usually involve choosing the correct preposition to complete a sentence or fill in a blank space. MCQS on preposition can be challenging, as prepositions often have multiple meanings and can be used in different contexts.

To do well on MCQS on preposition, it’s important to have a strong understanding of the different types of prepositions and how they are used in sentences. Here are some tips to help you improve your MCQS on preposition skills:

Memorize Common Prepositions: Make a list of the most commonly used prepositions and their meanings. This will help you recognize them in sentences and choose the correct preposition when answering MCQS on preposition.

Pay Attention to Context: The meaning of a preposition can change depending on the context of the sentence. Pay attention to the other words in the sentence and the overall meaning to choose the correct preposition.

Practice, Practice, Practice: The more you practice MCQS on prepositions, the better you will become. Look for online resources, practice tests, and sample questions to help you prepare.

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Types of Prepositions

There are several types of prepositions, including

Time Prepositions: Prepositions that indicate time include ‘at’, ‘in’, and ‘on’. For example, “I will meet you at 2 pm”, “I will arrive in March”, and “I have a meeting on Monday”.

Place Prepositions: Prepositions that indicate place include ‘in’, ‘on’, ‘at’, ‘under’, ‘behind’, ‘beside’, ‘above’, ‘below’, and ‘between’. For example, “The book is on the table”, “The cat is under the chair”, and “The car is parked beside the building”.

Direction Prepositions: Prepositions that indicate direction include ‘to’, ‘from’, ‘into’, ‘onto’, and ‘out of’. For example, “I am going to the store”, “I came from the park”, and “I jumped onto the bed”.

Manner Prepositions: Prepositions that indicate manner include ‘with’, ‘by’, ‘like’, and ‘as’. For example, “I write with a pen”, “I travel by train”, and “I dance like a professional”.

Examples of MCQS on Prepositions

I will meet you _____ the airport.

A. At

B. In

C. On

D. To

Answer: A

The cat is hiding _____ the couch.

A. Under

B. Behind

C. Beside

D. Above

Answer: A

She writes _____ a pencil.

A. With

B. By

C. Like

D. As

Answer: A

In conclusion, mastering the use of prepositions is essential for achieving fluency in English. It is a topic that requires attention to detail and practice to perfect. Understanding the various types of prepositions and their correct usage is critical to communicating effectively in written and spoken English. While the MCQS on Prepositions article provides a good introduction to the topic, our article has delved deeper into the nuances of preposition usage. By following our tips and examples, readers can improve their preposition skills and boost their English language proficiency.

MCQS on Preposition

Choose the correct preposition to complete the sentence:

She is allergic ____ dust.

a) with

b) to

c) from

d) in

Answer: b) to

We have been waiting ____ the bus stop for an hour.

a) on

b) at

c) in

d) for

Answer: d) for

I am going ____ vacation next week.

a) on

b) at

c) in

d) to

Answer: a) on

The cat is hiding ____ the sofa.

a) under

b) on

c) in

d) at

Answer: a) under

I am not good ____ math.

a) in

b) at

c) on

d) with

Answer: b) at

He is addicted ____ smoking.

a) for

b) to

c) with

d) from

Answer: b) to

We should always listen ____ our parents.

a) with

b) at

c) to

d) in

Answer: c) to

She is afraid ____ heights.

a) of

b) with

c) at

d) for

Answer: a) of

The book is ____ the shelf.

a) at

b) on

c) in

d) under

Answer: b) on

The meeting is scheduled ____ 2 p.m.

a) at

b) on

c) in

d) for

Answer: d) for

She was arrested ____ stealing.

a) of

b) with

c) on

d) for

Answer: d) for

The cat is sleeping ____ the bed.

a) in

b) at

c) on

d) under

Answer: c) on

I will meet you ____ the coffee shop.

a) on

b) at

c) in

d) to

Answer: b) at

She is fond ____ chocolates.

a) of

b) with

c) at

d) for

Answer: a) of

He is angry ____ his brother.

a) at

b) with

c) for

d) on

Answer: a) at

We should always be grateful ____ our blessings.

a) with

b) for

c) at

d) to

Answer: b) for

The ball is ____ the box.

a) at

b) on

c) in

d) under

Answer: c) in

He is good ____ sports.

a) with

b) at

c) for

d) in

Answer: b) at

The car is parked ____ the garage.

a) in

b) at

c) on

d) under

Answer: a) in

I am looking forward ____ the weekend.

a) to

b) at

c) for

d) in

Answer: a) to

She is not interested ____ politics.

a) with

b) in

c) at

d) for

Answer: b) in

The letter is ____ the envelope.

a) on

b) in

c) at

d) under

Answer: b) in

He is responsible ____ his actions.

a) for

b) with

c) at

d) to

Answer: a) for

The cat is hiding ____ the table.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) under

Answer: d) under

He is proud ____ his achievements.

a) of

b) with

c) at

d) for

Answer: a) of

The flowers are ____ the vase.

a) at

b) on

c) in

d) under

Answer: c) in

She is worried ____ her exam.

a) for

b) with

c) about

d) in

Answer: c) about

The book is ____ the bag.

a) at

b) on

c) in

d) under

Answer: c) in

He is skilled ____ cooking.

a) at

b) with

c) for

d) in

Answer: a) at

The coffee is ____ the cup.

a) at

b) on

c) in

d) under

Answer: c) in

She is responsible ____ the project.

a) with

b) for

c) at

d) to

Answer: b) for

The pen is ____ the desk.

a) in

b) at

c) on

d) under

Answer: c) on

He is skilled ____ playing the guitar.

a) at

b) with

c) for

d) in

Answer: a) at

The cat is playing ____ the ball.

a) in

b) with

c) at

d) on

Answer: b) with

I am interested ____ learning new things.

a) with

b) in

c) at

d) for

Answer: b) in

The key is ____ the door.

a) on

b) in

c) at

d) under

Answer: b) in

He is good ____ solving puzzles.

a) with

b) at

c) for

d) in

Answer: b) at

The bird is ____ the tree.

a) at

b) on

c) in

d) under

Answer: b) on

She is happy ____ her birthday gift.

a) with

b) for

c) at

d) to

Answer: a) with

The book is written ____ a famous author.

a) by

b) in

c) on

d) at

Answer: a) by

He is knowledgeable ____ history.

a) with

b) at

c) for

d) in

Answer: d) in

The ball is ____ the ground.

a) on

b) in

c) at

d) under

Answer: a) on

She is grateful ____ her friends.

a) with

b) at

c) to

d) for

Answer: d) for

The phone is ringing ____ the desk.

a) on

b) at

c) in

d) under

Answer: a) on

He is excited ____ his new job.

a) for

b) with

c) about

d) in

Answer: c) about

The cat is ____ the box.

a) at

b) on

c) in

d) under

Answer: d) under

She is confident ____ her abilities.

a) with

b) in

c) at

d) for

Answer: b) in

The car is parked ____ the street.

a) on

b) at

c) in

d) under

Answer: a) on

He is dependent ____ his parents.

a) with

b) on

c) at

d) for

Answer: b) on

The book is ____ English grammar.

a) on

b) in

c) at

d) under

Answer: b) in

She is skilled ____ painting.

a) with

b) at

c) for

d) in

Answer: b) at

The flowers are ____ the garden.

a) at

b) on

c) in

d) under

Answer: c) in

He is afraid ____ the dark.

a) of

b) with

c) at

d) for

Answer: a) of

The cat is sleeping ____ the chair.

a) in


She is interested ____ learning foreign languages.

a) in

b) at

c) with

d) for

Answer: a) in

The book is ____ the shelf.

a) at

b) on

c) in

d) under

Answer: c) in

He is addicted ____ smoking.

a) with

b) to

c) at

d) for

Answer: b) to

The bus is ____ the station.

a) at

b) on

c) in

d) under

Answer: a) at

She is passionate ____ singing.

a) with

b) at

c) for

d) in

Answer: c) for

The shoes are ____ the closet.

a) at

b) on

c) in

d) under

Answer: c) in

He is talented ____ playing the piano.

a) in

b) at

c) with

d) for

Answer: b) at

The cat is hiding ____ the couch.

a) on

b) at

c) in

d) under

Answer: d) under

She is proud ____ her achievements.

a) with

b) of

c) at

d) for

Answer: b) of

The computer is ____ the desk.

a) on

b) at

c) in

d) under

Answer: a) on

He is skilled ____ cooking.

a) at

b) in

c) with

d) for

Answer: a) at

The picture is hanging ____ the wall.

a) at

b) on

c) in

d) under

Answer: b) on

She is afraid ____ heights.

a) with

b) of

c) for

d) in

Answer: b) of

The jacket is hanging ____ the coat rack.

a) on

b) at

c) in

d) under

Answer: a) on

He is interested ____ science fiction.

a) in

b) at

c) with

d) for

Answer: a) in

The plant is ____ the window.

a) on

b) at

c) in

d) under

Answer: c) in

She is dependent ____ her medication.

a) with

b) on

c) at

d) for

Answer: b) on

The painting is ____ the art museum.

a) at

b) on

c) in

d) under

Answer: c) in

He is capable ____ leading the team.

a) at

b) in

c) with

d) for

Answer: a) at

The pen is ____ the paper.

a) on

b) at

c) in

d) under

Answer: a) on

She is involved ____ charity work.

a) with

b) in

c) at

d) for

Answer: b) in

The necklace is ____ her neck.

a) at

b) on

c) in

d) under

Answer: b) on

He is known ____ his sense of humor.

a) with

b) for

c) at

d) in

Answer: b) for

The car is driving ____ the road.

a) on

b) at

c) in

d) under

Answer: a

She was sitting ___ the couch.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) under

Answer: b) on

The party will be held ___ Saturday.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) by

Answer: b) on

The cat jumped ___ the table.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) from

Answer: b) on

We drove ___ the city to get to the beach.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) to

Answer: d) to

He is allergic ___ peanuts.

a) in

b) on

c) to

d) from

Answer: c) to

The book is ___ the shelf.

a) on

b) at

c) in

d) by

Answer: a) on

She lives ___ the street.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) to

Answer: b) on

I usually have coffee ___ breakfast.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) with

Answer: d) with

We had a picnic ___ the park.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) to

Answer: a) in

The concert starts ___ 8 pm.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) by

Answer: c) at

I’ll meet you ___ the corner.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) to

Answer: c) at

The movie is ___ Netflix.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) to

Answer: b) on

The ball rolled ___ the stairs.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) down

Answer: d) down

I go to the gym ___ the morning.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) by

Answer: c) at

The school is ___ the corner of the street.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) by

Answer: d) by

The plane flies ___ the clouds.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) over

Answer: d) over

He was born ___ the 20th century.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) by

Answer: a) in

I’m going ___ the beach this weekend.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) to

Answer: d) to

The cat is hiding ___ the sofa.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) by

Answer: a) in

The concert was ___ the stadium.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) to

Answer: a) in

She’s been waiting ___ the bus stop for an hour.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) by

Answer: c) at

I met him ___ a party last night.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) to

Answer: c) at

The cake is ___ the fridge.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) to

Answer: a) in

The keys are ___ the table.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) to

Answer: b) on

I’ll be back ___ a few minutes.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) to

Answer: a) in

The store is ___ the mall.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) by

Answer: a) in

The train arrived ___ time.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) to

Answer: c) at

She’s going ___ vacation next week.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) to

Answer: d) to

I’ll be ___ the office until 5 pm.

a) in

b) on

I’m afraid we’re ___ of milk.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) out

Answer: d) out

The museum is ___ the corner of the street.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) by

Answer: d) by

The bird is ___ the tree.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) by

Answer: b) on

The store is ___ the street from the bank.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) by

Answer: d) by

The dog is ___ the rug.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) by

Answer: b) on

I’m interested ___ learning a new language.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) with

Answer: a) in

The concert was held ___ the open air.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) by

Answer: b) on

She’s been waiting ___ the phone for an hour.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) by

Answer: b) on

The car is parked ___ the garage.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) to

Answer: a) in

I’m going ___ a run in the park.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) to

Answer: b) on

The meeting will take place ___ the conference room.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) by

Answer: a) in

The cake is ___ the table.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) to

Answer: b) on

The concert was ___ the bandstand.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) by

Answer: b) on

I’m thinking ___ taking a vacation.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) about

Answer: d) about

The movie is ___ the cinema.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) by

Answer: c) at

The plane landed ___ the runway.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) by

Answer: b) on

She’s standing ___ the doorway.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) by

Answer: c) at

The book is ___ the table.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) to

Answer: b) on

He’s always interested ___ new technology.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) with

Answer: a) in

The class is ___ the third floor.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) by

Answer: a) in

She’s going ___ the library to study.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) to

Answer: d) to

The pen is ___ the desk.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) by

Answer: b) on

The meeting is ___ 9 am.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) by

Answer: c)

The cat is ___ the roof.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) by

Answer: b) on

The concert will be held ___ the park.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) by

Answer: b) on

She’s waiting ___ the bus stop.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) by

Answer: c) at

The flowers are ___ the vase.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) by

Answer: a) in

We’re going ___ a trip to the beach.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) to

Answer: d) to

The store is ___ the corner.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) by

Answer: d) by

The restaurant is ___ the street from the hotel.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) by

Answer: d) by

She’s hiding ___ the bed.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) by

Answer: a) in

The TV is ___ the wall.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) by

Answer: b) on

The museum is ___ the city center.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) by

Answer: a) in

The keys are ___ the table.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) by

Answer: b) on

The concert is ___ the arena.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) by

Answer: c) at

She’s interested ___ art.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) with

Answer: a) in

The airplane is ___ the sky.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) by

Answer: b) on

The book is ___ the shelf.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) by

Answer: b) on

We’re going ___ a picnic.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) to

Answer: b) on

The computer is ___ the desk.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) by

Answer: b) on

She’s waiting ___ the airport.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) by

Answer: c) at

The conference is ___ the hotel.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) by

Answer: c) at

She’s dreaming ___ becoming a doctor.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) about

Answer: d) about

The keys are ___ the door.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) by

Answer: c) at

The concert is ___ the stadium.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) by

Answer: c) at

The store is ___ Main Street.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) by

Answer: b) on

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