The Purpose of Education According to Jiddu Krishnamurti?- The philosophy of education 2023

The Purpose of Education According to Jiddu Krishnamurti- philosophy of education

Introduction to J. Krishnamurti and his Philosophy of Education

Jiddu Krishnamurti: We believe in providing comprehensive insights into various educational philosophies and perspectives. Our aim is to explore the purpose of education as perceived by Krishnamurti and how it resonates with our modern understanding of learning. By examining Krishnamurti’s insightful views, we can gain a deeper understanding of education and its significance in shaping individuals and society as a whole.

About Jiddu Krishnamurti

Jiddu Krishnamurti has become an inspiration to the youth by giving his extraordinary knowledge. HE left this world at the age of 91 in the year of 1986.

He was a philosopher and spiritual teacher who valued independence, personal growth, and comprehensive education.

He felt that education should foster a person’s whole growth, including their intellectual, emotional, and spiritual elements, rather than only focusing on amassing knowledge.

Aims of education according to J. Krishnamurti

Education as Self-Discovery

Krishnamurti’s perspective on education revolves around the idea of self-discovery. He always preached that true education is not only the getting of information but it is the process of understanding oneself and the world around us. According to him, education should be such type of thing that encourage the students to ask a question, students may observe the thing that they see around them and produce their own thoughts, and they can make their own beliefs and emotions.

By knowing self-awareness, students can better understand their inner motivations, biases, and limitations. This self-discovery performs a role of a switch that enables individuals to engage with the world from a place of authenticity, empathy, and open-mindedness.

Education and Freedom

Another important aspect of Krishnamurti’s philosophy of education is that the concept of freedom. He advocated for an education system that does not impose fixed beliefs, ideologies, or conformity upon students. Krishnamurti believed that true education should empower individuals to think independently, critically, and creatively.

If we talk about the views of Krishnamurti, he always preferred freedom in education which means providing an environment where students are encouraged to ask a question to the authority, they can challenge assumptions, and explore diverse perspectives. Education becomes a transformative force that promotes personal growth and social progress by fostering freedom of thought and expression.

The Holistic Approach to Education

Krishnamurti described the importance of an attitudinal education, that works on the intellectual, emotional, and spiritual parts of human life He believed that education should not focus only on intellectual development but also nurture the emotional and spiritual growth of individuals.

It helps the students to explore their passions, cultivate creativity, and develop a deep appreciation for diverse forms of knowledge.

Implementing Krishnamurti’s educational philosophy

The Role of Teachers

In Krishnamurti’s philosophy, the role of teachers is crucial in creating an enriching educational experience. Teachers are not mere imparters of knowledge but rather facilitators of learning. They not only guide but inspire students to explore their interests, they help to develop critical thinking skills and discover their own unique potential.

According to Krishnamurti, a teacher should be compassionate, patient, and attentive to the needs of each student. He should encourage open dialogue, active participation, and a spirit of inquiry. By creating a supportive and inclusive learning environment, teachers play a pivotal role in nurturing the holistic development of students.


Jiddu Krishnamurti’s perspective on education offers valuable insights into the purpose and nature of learning. By emphasizing self-discovery, freedom, and a holistic approach, Krishnamurti advocates for an education system that empowers individuals to realize their full potential and contribute meaningfully

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Are there any specific teaching methods associated with Krishnamurti’s philosophy?

Is Krishnamurti’s approach suitable for all age groups?

What challenges might arise in implementing Krishnamurti’s philosophy in education?

Are there any successful educational institutions following Krishnamurti’s philosophy?

The Purpose of Education According to Jiddu Krishnamurti?-

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