Chapter 10 Right on Top Summary, Analysis, and Questions & Answers

In this post, I am sharing Chapter 10 Right on Top Summary, Analysis, and Questions & Answers

Summary: Right on Top

Right on Top: The chapter is about the inspiring journey of Arunima Sinha, the first female amputee to climb Mount Everest. Arunima was pushed out of a moving train and lost her leg in the incident. Instead of giving up on life, she decided to prove her worth and took on the challenge of climbing Mount Everest. Arunima faced several obstacles in her journey, including ridicule from doctors and difficulty finding sponsors. However, she persisted and received encouragement from Bachendri Pal, the first Indian woman to climb Mount Everest.

Arunima underwent rigorous training to prepare herself physically and mentally for the climb. Despite facing numerous difficulties during her climb, including running out of oxygen and navigating the “death zone,” she eventually reached the summit of Mount Everest. Arunima’s accomplishments did not end there, as she went on to climb other peaks, including Kilimanjaro and Aconcagua.

Arunima’s journey is a testament to the power of determination, perseverance, and mental strength. She never let her physical disability hold her back and continuously challenged herself to achieve new heights. Additionally, her work in helping disadvantaged children through her school, which operates without a building or field, shows her dedication to giving back to society.

At last we can say, Arunima’s story is an inspiration for all those facing challenges and setbacks in their lives, encouraging them to push through and achieve their goals.

Right on Top

Reading Right on Top

A. Complete these sentences in your own words.

1. Arunima decided to climb Mount Everest because _______

2. Arunima became used to her prosthetic limb quickly because _______

3. When her oxygen supply ran out, _______

4. Denali Peak will be hard to climb because _______

Answers: Right on Top

  1. Arunima decided to climb Mount Everest because she wanted to prove to herself and others that physical disabled persons
  2. Arunima became used to her prosthetic limb quickly because of her determination and strong willpower.
  3. When her oxygen supply ran out, Arunima faced a life-threatening situation
  4. Denali Peak will be hard to climb because it is the highest peak in North America

B. Read these lines from the text and answer these questions.

1. “When I tried to tell my doctors about my plan, there were two reactions. I was either laughed at or was told that the accident had adversely affected my mental health.”

a. Why did the doctors not believe her words?

b. How did the accident affect her physically?

C. What was the plan? Why did she decide to go ahead with her plan?

Answers: Right on Top

a. The doctors did not believe her words because they thought that climbing Mount Everest was an impossible task for a person with a disability like hers, and they assumed that her mental health had been affected due to the accident.

b. The accident caused her to lose her left leg below the knee, which affected her physical ability to walk and run.

c. The plan was to climb Mount Everest, which she decided to undertake to prove to herself and others that her disability did not define her abilities. She went ahead with her plan despite the discouragement and lack of support from others.

2. “Save your life now so that you can climb Mount Everest again later.”

a. Who said this to whom?

b. When did the speaker say these words?

C. What did the listener do?

Answers: Right on Top

a. The speaker is Arunima and she said these words to a friend who was also a mountaineer.

b. The speaker said these words to her friend after the friend suggested canceling the expedition due to Arunima’s medical condition.

c. The listener, Arunima’s friend, decided to continue the expedition with her, following her advice to prioritize their health and safety while also pursuing their passion for climbing.

C. Answer in detail. Right on Top

1. What major decision did Arunima take? Under what circumstances did she decide to do this?

2. Who is Bachendri Pal? How did she encourage Arunima?

3. How did Arunima train to climb Mount Everest?

4. What difficulties did she face when she tried to climb?

5. What is the ‘death zone’? How did it get its name?

6. What did Arunima do after she reached the summit? Why?

7. Which peaks has she climbed so far? Which ones are left?

8. What are the lessons that Arunima has learned from mountaineering?

Answers: Right on Top

  1. Arunima decided to climb Mount Everest, the highest peak in the world, despite losing her leg in a tragic incident. She made this decision when she was recovering in the hospital after her leg was amputated due to a robbery attempt on a train. While recovering, she was inspired by Bachendri Pal, the first Indian woman to climb Mount Everest, and decided to pursue her dream of climbing the mountain.
  2. Bachendri Pal is the first Indian woman to climb Mount Everest. She encouraged Arunima by visiting her in the hospital and sharing her own experiences of climbing Mount Everest. She also motivated Arunima to take up mountaineering as a way to challenge herself and overcome her physical limitations.
  3. Arunima trained rigorously for her climb, including weight training, cardio exercises, and climbing practice on mountains in India. She also received training from Bachendri Pal and other experienced mountaineers.
  4. Arunima faced several difficulties during her climb, including extreme weather conditions, lack of oxygen, and physical exhaustion. She also faced technical difficulties, such as climbing on one leg with a prosthetic limb and navigating dangerous terrain.
  5. The ‘death zone’ is a term used to describe the area above 8,000 meters where the air pressure and oxygen levels are so low that it becomes extremely difficult for humans to survive. The term was coined because many climbers have died while attempting to climb in this zone.
  6. After reaching the summit of Mount Everest, Arunima unfurled the Indian national flag and a flag with the message “True Freedom” written on it. She also took some pictures and offered prayers. She did this to inspire other people, especially those with disabilities, to follow their dreams and overcome their challenges.
  7. Arunima has climbed several peaks, including Mount Kilimanjaro, Mount Elbrus, Mount Kosciuszko, and Mount Aconcagua. She still has some peaks left to climb, such as Mount Denali in Alaska and Mount Vinson in Antarctica.
  8. Arunima has learned several important lessons from mountaineering, including perseverance, mental strength, and teamwork. She also learned the importance of planning, preparation, and risk management in achieving her goals. Additionally, she has become an inspiration to many people, especially those with disabilities, by showing that anything is possible with determination and hard work.

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D. Think and answer. Right on Top

1. “This shows that you have already conquered your inner Everest.” How did Arunima achieve this?

2. How did Arunima show her mental strength at various points in the text?

3. How does Arunima’s school function without a field or a building? Do this in itself is an achievement? Give reasons for your answer.

Answers: Right on Top

  1. Arunima achieved the inner strength by overcoming the physical and mental challenges she faced after the accident. She decided to climb Mount Everest despite the challenges and negative feedback from doctors, which required a lot of determination and courage. By achieving this goal, she proved to herself and others that she was capable of accomplishing anything she set her mind to.
  2. Arunima showed her mental strength by persevering through difficult training and climbing conditions. She was able to adapt to the prosthetic limb and push through physical pain and exhaustion. Additionally, she remained focused and determined even when facing setbacks, such as running out of oxygen.
  3. Arunima’s school, the Vikramshila Education Resource Society, functions without a field or building by utilizing a variety of creative teaching methods, such as holding classes under trees or in community spaces. They also use technology to reach students in remote areas. This is indeed an achievement as it shows how resourcefulness and creativity can overcome physical limitations. Despite not having a traditional school building, the students are still able to receive an education and have access to resources.

E. Know your values. Right on Top

In the text, we read that Arunima was successful in accomplishing feats that many others thought impossible to achieve. What qualities do you think Arunima possesses that helped her overcome her challenges?

Answers: Right on Top

Arunima’s journey is a testament to her strong will, perseverance, and determination to overcome obstacles. She has shown immense courage in the face of adversity and has been resilient in pursuing her goals. Her positive attitude, mental strength, and ability to stay focused on her objectives have been instrumental in her success. Arunima’s story also highlights the importance of self-belief, hard work, and a never-give-up attitude in achieving one’s dreams.


when did arunima sinha climbed mount Everest,

summarize the success story of arunima Sinha,

state the qualities of arunima that touched your heart,

state the dreams of Arunima,

name the peaks climbed by Arunima Sinha,

explain the reaction of arunima sinha to the tragedy in ,her life,

describe the preparation of arunima sinha for the everest expedition,

describe arunima’s experiences enroute to mt. Everest,

Chapter 10 Right on Top Summary, Analysis, and Questions & Answers

Chapter 10 Right on Top Summary, Analysis, and Questions & Answers

Chapter 10 Right on Top Summary, Analysis, and Questions & Answers

Chapter 10 Right on Top Summary, Analysis, and Questions & Answers

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