100 MCQs on Present Indefinite Tense: Test Your Knowledge Latest

Challenge yourself with a set of MCQs on Present Indefinite Tense.

1. I ___ a book every day.

a) read

b) reads

c) reading

d) will read

2. She ___ to the gym in the morning.

a) go

b) goes

c) going

d) will go

3. We ___ lunch at 12 o’clock.

a) have

b) has

c) having

d) will have

4. They ___ football on Saturdays.

a) play

b) plays

c) playing

d) will play

5. He ___ his car to work.

a) drive

b) drives

c) driving

d) will drive

6. She ___ a delicious cake.

a) bake

b) bakes

c) baking

d) will bake

7. They ___ English lessons every week.

a) take

b) takes

c) taking

d) will take

8. He ___ to music in his free time.

a) listen

b) listens

c) listening

d) will listen

9. She ___ up early in the morning.

a) wake

b) wakes

c) waking

d) will wake

10. We ___ a new project next week.

a) start

b) starts

c) starting

d) will start

MCQs on Present Indefinite Tense.

11. The train ___ at 6:30 PM.

a) arrive

b) arrives

c) arriving

d) will arrive

12. I ___ a cup of coffee right now.

a) drink

b) drinks

c) drinking

d) will drink

13. They ___ basketball on the weekends.

a) play

b) plays

c) playing

d) will play

14. She ___ her dog for a walk every evening.

a) take

b) takes

c) taking

d) will take

15. We ___ dinner together as a family.

a) have

b) has

c) having

d) will have

16. He ___ English very well.

a) speak

b) speaks

c) speaking

d) will speak

17. I ___ a lot of vegetables for a healthy diet.

a) eat

b) eats

c) eating

d) will eat

18. They ___ a movie on Friday nights.

a) watch

b) watches

c) watching

d) will watch

19. She ___ at the new job last week.

a) start

b) starts

c) starting

d) started

20. We ___ to the park every Sunday.

a) go

b) goes

c) going

d) will go

Also read our post on 100 MCQs on Articles for SSC CGL with answers

21. He ___ a gift for his mother’s birthday.

a) buy

b) buys

c) buying

d) will buy

22. She ___ her homework after school.

a) do

b) does

c) doing

d) will do

23. They ___ the news on TV.

a) watch

b) watches

c) watching

d) will watch

24. I ___ the bus to work.

a) take

b) takes

c) taking

d) will take

25. He ___ his friends on weekends.

a) meet

b) meets

c) meeting

d) will meet

These questions are suitable for IAS, PCS, SSC CGL, and SSC CHSL exam preparation.

26. We ___ the concert tickets online.

a) buy

b) buys

c) buying

d) will buy

27. She ___ her sister every day.

a) call

b) calls

c) calling

d) will call

28. They ___ their room every week.

a) clean

b) cleans

c) cleaning

d) will clean

29. He ___ his favorite TV show tonight.

a) watch

b) watches

c) watching

d) will watch

30. I ___ my homework before dinner.

a) finish

b) finishes

c) finishing

d) will finish

31. She ___ in the garden on sunny days.

a) work

b) works

c) working

d) will work

32. We ___ the newspaper every morning.

a) read

b) reads

c) reading

d) will read

33. They ___ their dog for a walk twice a day.

a) take

b) takes

c) taking

d) will take

34. He ___ his best in every competition.

a) try

b) tries

c) trying

d) will try

35. She ___ a delicious meal for dinner.

a) cook

b) cooks

c) cooking

d) will cook

36. They ___ their favorite songs on the radio.

a) hear

b) hears

c) hearing

d) will hear

37. I ___ to the beach in the summer.

a) go

b) goes

c) going

d) will go

38. He ___ his room every day.

a) tidy

b) tidies

c) tidying

d) will tidy

39. We ___ our friends on weekends.

a) visit

b) visits

c) visiting

d) will visit

40. She ___ up early on weekdays.

a) wake

b) wakes

c) waking

d) will wake up

41. They ___ the bus to school.

a) take

b) takes

c) taking

d) will take

42. He ___ his guitar every evening.

a) play

b) plays

c) playing

d) will play

43. She ___ her favorite TV show every Monday.

a) watch

b) watches

c) watching

d) will watch

44. We ___ lunch at the cafeteria.

a) have

b) has

c) having

d) will have

45. I ___ to the store for groceries.

a) go

b) goes

c) going

d) will go

46. They ___ a meeting every Tuesday.

a) have

b) has

c) having

d) will have

47. He ___ his phone for important calls.

a) use

b) uses

c) using

d) will use

48. She ___ a new dress for the party.

a) buy

b) buys

c) buying

d) will buy

49. We ___ a picnic in the park.

a) plan

b) plans

c) planning

d) will plan

50. They ___ their homework after school.

a) do

b) does

c) doing

d) will do

51. He ___ a cup of coffee every morning.

a) drink

b) drinks

c) drinking

d) will drink

52. She ___ her dog for a walk in the evening.

a) take

b) takes

c) taking

d) will take

53. They ___ dinner together as a family.

a) have

b) has

c) having

d) will have

54. I ___ English lessons twice a week.

a) take

b) takes

c) taking

d) will take

55. He ___ his favorite music on the radio.

a) hear

b) hears

c) hearing

d) will hear

56. We ___ our grandparents every month.

a) visit

b) visits

c) visiting

d) will visit

57. She ___ a picture of the sunset.

a) take

b) takes

c) taking

d) will take

58. They ___ basketball in the park.

a) play

b) plays

c) playing

d) will play

59. He ___ his homework before dinner.

a) finish

b) finishes

c) finishing

d) will finish

60. I ___ a new job next month.

a) start

b) starts

c) starting

d) will start

61. She ___ in the garden every morning.

a) work

b) works

c) working

d) will work

62. They ___ a movie every Saturday night.

a) watch

b) watches

c) watching

d) will watch

63. He ___ his sister every day.

a) call

b) calls

c) calling

d) will call

64. We ___ the dishes after dinner.

a) wash

b) washes

c) washing

d) will wash

65. She ___ her room every week.

a) clean

b) cleans

c) cleaning

d) will clean

66. They ___ their car every month.

a) wash

b) washes

c) washing

d) will wash

67. He ___ a good book before bed.

a) read

b) reads

c) reading

d) will read

68. She ___ her bicycle to school.

a) ride

b) rides

c) riding

d) will ride

69. They ___ coffee in the morning.

a) drink

b) drinks

c) drinking

d) will drink

70. I ___ a new laptop next week.

a) buy

b) buys

c) buying

d) will buy

71. He ___ a new song on the radio.

a) hear

b) hears

c) hearing

d) will hear

72. She ___ her friend after school.

a) meet

b) meets

c) meeting

d) will meet

73. They ___ their favorite TV show every night.

a) watch

b) watches

c) watching

d) will watch

74. We ___ lunch at the office.

a) have

b) has

c) having

d) will have

75. He ___ the bus to work every day.

a) take

b) takes

c) taking

d) will take

76. She ___ her room before guests arrive.

a) clean

b) cleans

c) cleaning

d) will clean

77. They ___ a new house next year.

a) buy

b) buys

c) buying

d) will buy

78. I ___ my homework after school.

a) do

b) does

c) doing

d) will do

79. He ___ a cup of tea in the evening.

a) drink

b) drinks

c) drinking

d) will drink

80. She ___ her dog for a walk in the morning.

a) take

b) takes

c) taking

d) will take

81. They ___ dinner together as a family.

a) have

b) has

c) having

d) will have

82. He ___ English lessons every week.

a) take

b) takes

c) taking

d) will take

83. She ___ a new dress for the party.

a) buy

b) buys

c) buying

d) will buy

84. We ___ our friends on weekends.

a) visit

b) visits

c) visiting

d) will visit

85. I ___ my homework before dinner.

a) finish

b) finishes

c) finishing

d) will finish

86. They ___ basketball in the park.

a) play

b) plays

c) playing

d) will play

87. He ___ his guitar every evening.

a) play

b) plays

c) playing

d) will play

88. She ___ her favorite TV show every Monday.

a) watch

b) watches

c) watching

d) will watch

89. We ___ lunch at the cafeteria.

a) have

b) has

c) having

d) will have

90. I ___ to the store for groceries.

a) go

b) goes

c) going

d) will go

91. They ___ a meeting every Tuesday.

a) have

b) has

c) having

d) will have

92. He ___ his phone for important calls.

a) use

b) uses

c) using

d) will use

93. She ___ a picture of the sunset.

a) take

b) takes

c) taking

d) will take

94. They ___ dinner together as a family.

a) have

b) has

c) having

d) will have

95. He ___ a good book before bed.

a) read

b) reads

c) reading

d) will read

96. She ___ her bicycle to school.

a) ride

b) rides

c) riding

d) will ride

97. They ___ coffee in the morning.

a) drink

b) drinks

c) drinking

d) will drink

98.I ___ a new laptop next week.

a) buy

b) buys

c) buying

d) will buy

99. He ___ a new song on the radio.

a) hear

b) hears

c) hearing

d) will hear

100. She ___ her friend after school.

a) meet

b) meets

c) meeting

d) will meet


  1. Answer: a) read
  2. Answer: b) goes
  3. Answer: a) have
  4. Answer: a) play
  5. Answer: b) drives
  6. Answer: b) bakes
  7. Answer: a) take
  8. Answer: b) listens
  9. Answer: b) wakes
  10. Answer: d) will start
  11. Answer: b) arrives
  12. Answer: a) drink
  13. Answer: a) play
  14. Answer: b) takes
  15. Answer: a) have
  16. Answer: b) speaks
  17. Answer: a) eat
  18. Answer: a) watch
  19. Answer: d) started
  20. Answer: a) go
  21. Answer: b) buys
  22. Answer: b) does
  23. Answer: a) watch
  24. Answer: a) take
  25. Answer: b) meets
  26. Answer: a) buy
  27. Answer: b) calls
  28. Answer: a) clean
  29. Answer: d) will watch
  30. Answer: a) finish
  31. Answer: b) works
  32. Answer: a) read
  33. Answer: a) take
  34. Answer: b) tries
  35. Answer: b) cooks
  36. Answer: a) hear
  37. Answer: a) go
  38. Answer: b) tidies
  39. Answer: a) visit
  40. Answer: b) wakes
  41. Answer: a) take
  42. Answer: b) plays
  43. Answer: b) watches
  44. Answer: a) have
  45. Answer: a) go
  46. Answer: a) have
  47. Answer: b) uses
  48. Answer: b) buys
  49. Answer: a) plan
  50. Answer: a) do
  51. Answer: b) drinks
  52. Answer: b) takes
  53. Answer: a) have
  54. Answer: a) take
  55. Answer: b) hears
  56. Answer: a) visit
  57. Answer: b) takes
  58. Answer: a) play
  59. Answer: b) finishes
  60. Answer: d) will start
  61. Answer: b) works
  62. Answer: a) watch
  63. Answer: b) calls
  64. Answer: a) wash
  65. Answer: b) cleans
  66. Answer: a) wash
  67. Answer: b) reads
  68. Answer: b) rides
  69. Answer: a) drink
  70. Answer: d) will buy
  71. Answer: b) hears
  72. Answer: b) meets
  73. Answer: a) watch
  74. Answer: a) have
  75. Answer: b) takes
  76. Answer: b) cleans
  77. Answer: d) will buy
  78. Answer: a) do
  79. Answer: b) drinks
  80. Answer: b) takes
  81. Answer: a) have
  82. Answer: b) takes
  83. Answer: b) buys
  84. Answer: a) visit
  85. Answer: a) finish
  86. Answer: a) play
  87. Answer: b) plays
  88. Answer: b) watches
  89. Answer: a) have
  90. Answer: a) go
  91. Answer: a) have
  92. Answer: b) uses
  93. Answer: b) takes
  94. Answer: a) have
  95. Answer: b) reads
  96. Answer: b) rides
  97. Answer: a) drink
  98. Answer: d) will buy
  99. Answer: b) hears
  100. Answer: b) meets

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