BuzzWord Chapter 5 Waste Disposal Solutions- Question Answers

This blog post highlights BuzzWord Chapter 5 Waste Disposal Solutions- Question Answers

and also this post highlight in India, its flaws, and the need for sustainable waste management. It discusses the Swachh Bharat Mission, successful waste management initiatives in other countries, and the social impact of waste management. The post also answers questions related to waste management and offers solutions to address the issue. You can get another chapter on this website

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Chapter 5 Waste Disposal

Summary of Chapter 5 Waste Disposal

This chapter talks about the issue of waste management in India and the efforts made by various organizations and initiatives to address this problem. It begins by describing the massive Ghazipur landfill in Delhi, which has become a symbol of India’s struggle with waste management. The chapter then delves into the flaws of India’s waste disposal system and the need for a more sustainable approach to waste management.

The chapter highlights the importance of awareness programs to educate people about proper waste management and disposal. It mentions the Swachh Bharat Mission, a national campaign launched in 2014 to promote cleanliness and proper sanitation practices across India. The campaign aims to make India open defecation-free and clean by 2019.

The chapter also mentions the importance of segregating waste at source and provides examples of successful waste management initiatives in countries like Sri Lanka and Bhutan. It highlights the need for effective waste management policies and regulations and discusses the Municipal Solid Waste Rules, which provide guidelines for landfill management.

The chapter also touches on the social impact of waste management, describing how the women in Bihar’s Jehanabad district brought about social change by constructing toilets in their homes. It also mentions the role of role models in inspiring people to adopt sustainable waste management practices.

In conclusion, the chapter emphasizes the need for a more sustainable and efficient approach to waste management in India. It encourages individuals to take responsibility for their waste and to adopt more environmentally friendly practices.


A. Answer in brief.  Chapter 5 Waste Disposal

1. What greets you as you approach the Ghazipur landfill? 

2. What do Jeevan and Devender do at the landfill? 

3. What does the Municipal Solid Waste Rules say about landfills? 

4. How do countries like Sri Lanka and Bhutan manage their waste? 

5. What is the Swachh Bharat Mission about? 

6. What does it aim to achieve by 2019? 

7. How did the women in Bihar’s Jehanabad district bring about a social change? 

Answers: Chapter 5 Waste Disposal

  1. As you approach the Ghazipur landfill, the first thing that greets you is the overpowering stench of rotting garbage.
  2. Jeevan and Devender are waste pickers who earn their livelihood by scavenging through the garbage at the landfill to find recyclable materials they can sell.
  3. The Municipal Solid Waste Rules state that landfills should be located away from habitation areas and must have a liner to prevent toxic chemicals from seeping into the soil and groundwater.
  4. Countries like Sri Lanka and Bhutan manage their waste by promoting waste reduction, segregation, and recycling, and by utilizing decentralized waste management systems.
  5. The Swachh Bharat Mission is a nationwide cleanliness campaign launched by the Government of India in 2014.
  6. The Swachh Bharat Mission aims to achieve a clean and open defecation-free India by 2019.
  7. The women in Bihar’s Jehanabad district brought about a social change by successfully advocating for the construction of toilets in their homes, which helped to improve sanitation and hygiene in the area.

B. Read these lines from the text and answer the questions.  Chapter 5 Waste Disposal

1. They say that landfilled waste should be compacted and put under soil cover daily 

so that there is no fear of pollution. 

a. How can landfilled waste be compacted? 

b. What will happen if this is not done? 

C. How does the waste from the landfill cause air pollution? 

Answers: Chapter 5 Waste Disposal

a. Landfilled waste can be compacted using heavy machinery such as bulldozers or compactors.

b. If landfilled waste is not compacted and covered with soil daily, it can release harmful gases and pollutants into the air and contaminate the surrounding environment.

c. Waste from landfills can cause air pollution in a few ways. One of the primary sources of air pollution is the release of methane gas, which is produced by decomposing organic matter in the landfill. Methane is a potent greenhouse gas and can contribute to climate change. In addition to methane, landfills can also emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which can cause respiratory problems and other health issues.

2. Now this village is the role model for the whole of Kerala.  Chapter 5 Waste Disposal

a. Which village is being described here? 

b. What was the problem in the village? 

C. How did Swachh Bharat Mission inspire the villagers? What did they do? 

Answers: Chapter 5 Waste Disposal

a. The village being described here is Mala in Kerala.

b. The problem in Mala village was that waste was being dumped in public places and was not being collected and managed properly, leading to a buildup of garbage and unsanitary conditions.

c. The Swachh Bharat Mission inspired the villagers of Mala to take action to improve their waste management practices. They formed a village council to oversee waste collection and disposal, and implemented a system of composting organic waste. The village also started a recycling program and began educating residents about the importance of proper waste management. As a result of their efforts, Mala is now considered a role model for waste management in Kerala.

C. Answer in detail.  Chapter 5 Waste Disposal

1. Why do activists think we are following a flawed system of waste disposal? 

2. Why is there a need to organise awareness programmes? 

3. Describe some of the activities of the Swachh Bharat Mission, 

4. What is the work done by the Mission in the village of Chauras and Navlewadi? 

5. How has the Swachh Bharat Mission instilled in people the importance 

of building toilets? 

Answers: Chapter 5 Waste Disposal

  1. Activists believe that the current system of waste disposal, particularly the landfilling of waste, is flawed for several reasons. Firstly, landfills are often located close to residential areas, which poses a health risk to the people living nearby due to the emission of toxic gases and pollutants. Secondly, landfills are known to contaminate soil and groundwater, leading to long-term environmental damage. Thirdly, landfills are not sustainable in the long term, as they occupy a large amount of land, which is a finite resource. Finally, landfills are not an effective way of managing waste as they do not encourage waste reduction, reuse, or recycling, which are essential components of a sustainable waste management system.
  2. There is a need to organise awareness programmes because waste management is a collective responsibility, and every individual needs to be aware of the impact of their actions on the environment. Awareness programmes can educate people on the importance of proper waste disposal, segregation, and recycling. Such programmes can also highlight the role of individuals in reducing waste generation and adopting sustainable practices.
  3. The Swachh Bharat Mission was launched by the Indian government in 2014 to promote cleanliness, hygiene, and sanitation across the country. Some of the activities of the mission include constructing toilets, promoting behaviour change towards cleanliness, and creating awareness about waste management. The mission also aims to eliminate open defecation and ensure safe and sustainable sanitation practices in rural and urban areas.
  4. The Swachh Bharat Mission has done significant work in the villages of Chauras and Navlewadi. The mission has provided toilets to households and schools, which has significantly reduced open defecation and improved sanitation in the villages. The mission has also created awareness among the villagers about the importance of proper waste management and segregation. This has led to the establishment of waste management systems in the villages, which have significantly reduced the amount of waste generated and improved the overall cleanliness of the villages.
  5. The Swachh Bharat Mission has instilled in people the importance of building toilets by creating awareness about the health and environmental hazards of open defecation. The mission has highlighted the need for safe and sustainable sanitation practices and has encouraged the construction of toilets in households and schools. The mission has also provided financial assistance to households for the construction of toilets, making it easier for people to adopt sustainable sanitation practices. Through its various initiatives, the mission has significantly reduced open defecation in rural and urban areas, improving the overall sanitation and hygiene levels in the country.

D. Think and answer.  Chapter 5 Waste Disposal

1. Why do landfills need to be away from human habitation? 

2. Why is it important to segregate our waste at source? How can we raise 

awareness about proper waste management? 

3. How can we make sure that the Swachh Bharat Mission is a success? 

How can we help to spread the word? 

Answers; Chapter 5 Waste Disposal

  1. Landfills need to be away from human habitation because the waste that is dumped in landfills produces toxic gases like methane and carbon dioxide, which can cause health hazards to the people living nearby. The decomposing waste can also contaminate the groundwater, making it unfit for consumption.
  2. Segregating waste at the source is important because it makes it easier to manage and recycle the waste. It reduces the burden on the landfill and helps in reducing the environmental impact of waste disposal. We can raise awareness about proper waste management by conducting awareness campaigns, providing education in schools, and involving the community in waste management activities.
  3. To ensure the success of the Swachh Bharat Mission, we need to create awareness among people about the importance of cleanliness and proper waste management. We need to involve the community in waste management activities, including segregation of waste, composting, and recycling. Additionally, the government needs to ensure that the necessary infrastructure, like waste treatment plants and recycling centers, are in place to manage the waste effectively.
  4. We can help spread the word about the Swachh Bharat Mission by sharing information about it on social media, participating in local cleanliness drives, and encouraging others to do the same. We can also educate our family and friends about the importance of proper waste management and encourage them to practice it in their daily lives.

E. Know your values.  Chapter 5 Waste Disposal

Recycling is one way in which we can reduce waste and help protect our environment. Can you think of two other ways? 

Answers: Chapter 5 Waste Disposal

There are two other ways we can reduce waste and help protect the environment:

  1. Reduce: We can reduce the amount of waste we generate by being mindful of our consumption habits. This includes buying products with less packaging, carrying our own reusable bags, water bottles, and coffee cups, and avoiding single-use items like plastic cutlery, straws, and bags.
  2. Reuse: Instead of throwing away items after using them once, we can find ways to reuse them. For example, we can repurpose glass jars as storage containers, use old clothes as rags, or donate unwanted items to charity. By reusing items, we reduce the amount of waste we generate and help conserve resources.

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: #WasteManagement #India #SwachhBharatMission #SustainableWasteManagement #LandfillManagement #AwarenessPrograms #WasteReduction #WasteSegregation #Recycling #SocialChange

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