CBSE Sample Papers 2023-24 Class 10 With Solution Free PDF Download

CBSE Sample Papers 2023-24

[Maximum Marks: 80 Time Allowed: 3 hours

General Instructions:

(i) The Question Paper contains THREE sections – READING SKILLS, GRAMMAR &


(ii) Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part.


1. Read the following passage carefully. (10)

1. A black vulture (Coragyps atratus) is a carrion feeder that pilots and air traffic specialists have long considered a collision threat, given both its size and flight behaviour. Of Brazil’s animal-aircraft incidents in 2020, eight percent involved black vultures. Even discounting the danger, they pose to aircrafts, vultures are widely seen as harbingers of death and decay. Yet, they play an important role in the human-built environment.

2. These carrion-eaters fly in committees and when they are not airborne, camp out on large stands of refuse, packed together like feather-clad beggars. With their sooty plumage and crusty skin, black vultures fit right in with their rank surroundings. Boasting a wingspan of around five feet and the ability to fly at speeds surpassing Usain Bolt in his prime, they are mostly habituated to the many collectors, sifters, and other (bipedal) scavengers who spend quality time at the dump. Gazing, waiting – they will make their move when the time is right.

3. A trash mound is essentially a rookery and nursery for a bird that evolved to eat the flesh of the dead and dying but now thrives on the abundance of trash. Here, where human-coordinated management is absent, vultures are efficient managers of waste.

4. For each story of a potential airline collision resulting from the birds. they cycle millions of tons of nutrients and other material through the food web, eating dog faeces and fish bones with equal gusto.

The average Brazilian household throws away 353g of trash per day; the average black vulture consumes 140g a day. Not all household waste is edible – although Coragyps atratus does seem to have an affection for gobbling up shreds of plastic grocery bags. Their powerful stomach acid breaks down harmful pathogens of cholera, brucellosis, and anthrax too.

5. As the planet seems to be roiled in flames and losing biodiversity at a rapid clip. vultures are as opportunistic as ever, with their populations growing in both South and North America which makes continued conflict with humans inevitable.

6. Solid waste is typically strewn about communities in rural Latin America. The vultures have taken care of everything; the city has no hope of taking care of itself.” In this light, the vultures general unsightliness, and perhaps the occasional aircraft collision, is a small price to pay. “They’re the best thing that ever happened to the Amazon town,” says a conservationist

Answer the following questions, based on the passage above. (1×10=10)

(a) Why does the writer say that vultures are harbingers of death and decay?

(i) They are carrion feeders.

(ii) They are responsible for animal-aircraft incidents in Brazil.

(iii) They are responsible for animal-aircraft incidents everywhere in the world.

(iv) They collide with aircrafts and feed on dead flesh. 0s

(b) Based on your reading of the text, explain why the writer says that Coragyps atratus thrives on the abundance of human-made piles of trash. Rationalize your response in about 30-40


(c) Which outstanding trait of the black vultures the writer wishes to project, with reference to

the following statement?

Not all household waste is edible although ‘Coragyps atratus’ does seem to have an affection for gobbling up shreds of plastic grocery bags.

(d) The passage includes some word pairs that denote consecutive stages in a process for example, moulding and baking a bread. From the sets (i)-(v) below, identify two sets of words that do not correspond to this relation.

(i) dead and dying (ii) South and North America

(iii) rookery and nursery (iv) death and decay

(v) pilots and air traffic specialists

(e) Complete the sentence appropriately.

The writer compares the black vultures with Usain Bolt because

(f) Based on the reading of the passage, examine, in about 30-40 words, that the black vultures

despite their general unsightliness are highly social birds.

(g) “They’re (the black vultures) the best thing that ever happened to the Amazon town,” says a conservationist in Paragraph 6. The options given below provide enough evidence to substantiate this claim except one. Choose the correct option.

(i) They take care of waste management better than humans.

(ii) They single-handedly keep rural Latin America spick and span.

(iii) They protect humans from the spread of harmful pathogens.

(iv) They consume even plastics.

(h) Complete the statement.

Despite the fact that the growing populations of black vultures in both South and North America have sharpened the conflict with humans, they are a blessing for mankind because they consume even non-edible waste like ….. …..

2. Read the following passage carefully. (10)

1. Domestic tourism in India reached a peak in 2019, with more than 232 crores of domestic tourist visits and 3.14 crore international tourist visits, the highest since 2001 according to the tourism ministry. India moved to the 34th position on the World Economic Forum’s Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index in 2019 from the 65th rank in 2013. Covid, however, halted the robust performance in its tracks, with domestic tourist visits falling to just 61 crore and international tourist visits to 71.7 lakh in 2020. However, tourism ministry data shows that while international visits to India dropped even further in 2021, to just 10.5 lakh, domestic visits increased by 11 per cent.

2. While rising costs are having an impact, all flights and hotels are fully booked, and prices for both are higher than they have been for some time. People who would otherwise have travelled abroad, are travelling within India instead. While branded and luxury hotels were among the earliest ones to recover their loyal clientele, small-scale and medium enterprises, which constitute more than 80 percent of the tourism industry, have not been able to recover fully yet. However, the domestic industry is gaining footfall.

3. Rajasthan, which has been heavily dependent on foreign visitors, saw much distress. Most of its luxury heritage Havelis and palaces that earlier saw occupancy throughout the winter months with foreign tourists, now remain available and within reach for domestic tourists. The prices went almost down 30 per cent from their 2019 peak numbers. Likewise, prices in some Goa and Kerala hotels, too, dropped to almost one-third. These are now starting to recover due to the increasing number of domestic as well as inbound tourists.

4. Prices of hotels at weekend destinations increased after the tourist rush, thanks to the techie crowd of Bengaluru and Hyderabad. In northern India, tourists flooded holiday destinations like Srinagar, Gulmarg, and Rishikesh. The young consumer is moving towards private and experiential stays and wellness experiences. The booking windows have become shorter and the length of stays is longer. Inbound tourism will recover by 2023 despite the hiccups.

Answer the following questions, based on the passage above. (346 Words) (1×10=10)

(a) Complete the following analogy appropriately, based on your understanding of paragraphs

1 and 2. The fact that branded and luxury hotels in India were among the earliest ones to recover their loyal clientele, small-scale and medium enterprises, which constitute more than 80 per cent of the tourism industry, have not been able to recover fully is comparable with big movie production houses who survive even big flops but ……………..

(b) Fill in the blanks with the appropriate option from those given in brackets, based on your

understanding of paragraph 1.

International tourism trends in India from 2020 to 2021 show that the actual impact of Covid on tourism was felt more in 2021 and not in 2020 when international visits to India dropped even further in 2021, to just 10.5 lakhs from 71.7 lakhs is ________a fact opinion because it is ______________alan subjective judgement/ objective detail.

(c) “People who would otherwise have travelled abroad, are travelling within India instead.” Justify the statement in about 30-40 words with reference to 2019.

(d) Based on the report released by the Ministry of Tourism, which two main tourism trends mark the young consumers’ choices in selecting holiday destinations?

(i) ……………………….(ii) ………………………..

(e) Study the statement: Hotels in the suburbs of Bengaluru and Hyderabad were able to recover from dipping tourist footfalls sooner than expected.

State any one inference that can be drawn from this.

Select the option that correctly displays what ‘inbound’ signifies contextually in the passage. (Reference-Paragraph 3)

CBSE Sample Papers 2023-24 Class 10 With Solution Free PDF Download
[Maximum Marks: 80 Time Allowed: 3 hours
General Instructions:
(i) The Question Paper contains THREE sections - READING SKILLS, GRAMMAR &
WRITING SKILLS, and LITERATURE TEXTBOOKS. (ii) Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part.
1. Read the following passage carefully. (10)
1. A black vulture (Coragyps atratus) is a carrion feeder that pilots and air traffic specialists have long considered a collision threat, given both its size and flight behaviour. Of Brazil's animal-aircraft incidents in 2020, eight percent involved black vultures. Even discounting the danger, they pose to aircrafts, vultures are widely seen as harbingers of death and decay. Yet, they play an important role in the human-built environment.
2. These carrion-eaters fly in committees and when they are not airborne, camp out on large stands of refuse, packed together like feather-clad beggars. With their sooty plumage and crusty skin, black vultures fit right in with their rank surroundings. Boasting a wingspan of around five feet and the ability to fly at speeds surpassing Usain Bolt in his prime, they are mostly habituated to the many collectors, sifters, and other (bipedal) scavengers who spend quality time at the dump. Gazing, waiting - they will make their move when the time is right.
3. A trash mound is essentially a rookery and nursery for a bird that evolved to eat the flesh of the dead and dying but now thrives on the abundance of trash. Here, where human-coordinated management is absent, vultures are efficient managers of waste.
4. For each story of a potential airline collision resulting from the birds. they cycle millions of tons of nutrients and other material through the food web, eating dog faeces and fish bones with equal gusto.
The average Brazilian household throws away 353g of trash per day; the average black vulture consumes 140g a day. Not all household waste is edible - although Coragyps atratus does seem to have an affection for gobbling up shreds of plastic grocery bags. Their powerful stomach acid breaks down harmful pathogens of cholera, brucellosis, and anthrax too.
5. As the planet seems to be roiled in flames and losing biodiversity at a rapid clip. vultures are as opportunistic as ever, with their populations growing in both South and North America which makes continued conflict with humans inevitable.
6. Solid waste is typically strewn about communities in rural Latin America. The vultures have taken care of everything; the city has no hope of taking care of itself." In this light, the vultures general unsightliness, and perhaps the occasional aircraft collision, is a small price to pay. "They're the best thing that ever happened to the Amazon town," says a conservationist
Answer the following questions, based on the passage above. (1×10=10)
(a) Why does the writer say that vultures are harbingers of death and decay?
(i) They are carrion feeders.
(ii) They are responsible for animal-aircraft incidents in Brazil.
(iii) They are responsible for animal-aircraft incidents everywhere in the world.
(iv) They collide with aircrafts and feed on dead flesh. 0s
(b) Based on your reading of the text, explain why the writer says that Coragyps atratus thrives on the abundance of human-made piles of trash. Rationalize your response in about 30-40
(c) Which outstanding trait of the black vultures the writer wishes to project, with reference to
the following statement?
Not all household waste is edible although 'Coragyps atratus' does seem to have an affection for gobbling up shreds of plastic grocery bags.
(d) The passage includes some word pairs that denote consecutive stages in a process for example, moulding and baking a bread. From the sets (i)-(v) below, identify two sets of words that do not correspond to this relation.
(i) dead and dying (ii) South and North America
(iii) rookery and nursery (iv) death and decay
(v) pilots and air traffic specialists
(e) Complete the sentence appropriately.
The writer compares the black vultures with Usain Bolt because
(f) Based on the reading of the passage, examine, in about 30-40 words, that the black vultures
despite their general unsightliness are highly social birds.
(g) "They're (the black vultures) the best thing that ever happened to the Amazon town," says a conservationist in Paragraph 6. The options given below provide enough evidence to substantiate this claim except one. Choose the correct option.
(i) They take care of waste management better than humans.
(ii) They single-handedly keep rural Latin America spick and span.
(iii) They protect humans from the spread of harmful pathogens.
(iv) They consume even plastics.
(h) Complete the statement.
Despite the fact that the growing populations of black vultures in both South and North America have sharpened the conflict with humans, they are a blessing for mankind because they consume even non-edible waste like ..... …..
2. Read the following passage carefully. (10)
1. Domestic tourism in India reached a peak in 2019, with more than 232 crores of domestic tourist visits and 3.14 crore international tourist visits, the highest since 2001 according to the tourism ministry. India moved to the 34th position on the World Economic Forum's Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index in 2019 from the 65th rank in 2013. Covid, however, halted the robust performance in its tracks, with domestic tourist visits falling to just 61 crore and international tourist visits to 71.7 lakh in 2020. However, tourism ministry data shows that while international visits to India dropped even further in 2021, to just 10.5 lakh, domestic visits increased by 11 per cent.
2. While rising costs are having an impact, all flights and hotels are fully booked, and prices for both are higher than they have been for some time. People who would otherwise have travelled abroad, are travelling within India instead. While branded and luxury hotels were among the earliest ones to recover their loyal clientele, small-scale and medium enterprises, which constitute more than 80 percent of the tourism industry, have not been able to recover fully yet. However, the domestic industry is gaining footfall.
3. Rajasthan, which has been heavily dependent on foreign visitors, saw much distress. Most of its luxury heritage Havelis and palaces that earlier saw occupancy throughout the winter months with foreign tourists, now remain available and within reach for domestic tourists. The prices went almost down 30 per cent from their 2019 peak numbers. Likewise, prices in some Goa and Kerala hotels, too, dropped to almost one-third. These are now starting to recover due to the increasing number of domestic as well as inbound tourists.
4. Prices of hotels at weekend destinations increased after the tourist rush, thanks to the techie crowd of Bengaluru and Hyderabad. In northern India, tourists flooded holiday destinations like Srinagar, Gulmarg, and Rishikesh. The young consumer is moving towards private and experiential stays and wellness experiences. The booking windows have become shorter and the length of stays is longer. Inbound tourism will recover by 2023 despite the hiccups.
Answer the following questions, based on the passage above. (346 Words) (1x10=10)
(a) Complete the following analogy appropriately, based on your understanding of paragraphs
1 and 2. The fact that branded and luxury hotels in India were among the earliest ones to recover their loyal clientele, small-scale and medium enterprises, which constitute more than 80 per cent of the tourism industry, have not been able to recover fully is comparable with big movie production houses who survive even big flops but ……………..
(b) Fill in the blanks with the appropriate option from those given in brackets, based on your
understanding of paragraph 1.
International tourism trends in India from 2020 to 2021 show that the actual impact of Covid on tourism was felt more in 2021 and not in 2020 when international visits to India dropped even further in 2021, to just 10.5 lakhs from 71.7 lakhs is ________a fact opinion because it is ______________alan subjective judgement/ objective detail.
(c) "People who would otherwise have travelled abroad, are travelling within India instead." Justify the statement in about 30-40 words with reference to 2019.
(d) Based on the report released by the Ministry of Tourism, which two main tourism trends mark the young consumers' choices in selecting holiday destinations?
(i) ……………………….(ii) ………………………..
(e) Study the statement: Hotels in the suburbs of Bengaluru and Hyderabad were able to recover from dipping tourist footfalls sooner than expected.
State any one inference that can be drawn from this.
Select the option that correctly displays what 'inbound' signifies contextually in the passage. (Reference-Paragraph 3)
(g) Infer one benefit and one drawback of Coronavirus on domestic tourist footfalls. Answer in
about 30-40 words.
(h) Study the statement given below.
Domestic tourism is showing positive trends despite being weighed down by inflation. Which of the following options substantiate this statement?
(i) All flights and hotels are fully booked.
(ii) Luxury hotels have recovered their loyal clientele.
(iii) Heritage properties in Rajasthan are now in the reach of domestic tourists.
(iv) Room rents in Goa and Kerala have dropped to one third of the earlier rates.
3. Complete ANY TEN of twelve of the following tasks, as directed. (1x10=10)
(a) Fill in the blank by using the correct form of the word in the bracket, for the given portion
of a letter.
Dear Sir
Subject: Modern cities, old problems
A metropolitan city is the reflection of the entire country and if it ………………..
(find) lacking in basic amenities, then it is a cause for concern.
(b) Read the given sentence from the famous novel, 'Around the World in Eighty Days.' Identify
the error and supply the correction in the sentence.
Two thousand pounds in bank notes have been given to the mahout by Mr. Fogg for the upkeep of the elephant before he left India.
Use the given format for your response.
Error Correction
(c) Bunny told Shelley that he had got through the Delhi university's admission test. Report the
question asked by Shelley.
(d) Select the correct option to complete the narration of the dialogue between two classmates.
Binny: How do you reckon you are going to fare in the exam?
Shaan: I am hoping to score above 85.
When Binny asked Shaan how he was going to fare in the exam, he replied that
(i) he would be able to score 85. (ii) he should be able to score 85.
(iii) he was hoping to score 85. (iv) he was hopeful to score 85.
(e) Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option, to complete the opening line of an article by
a team of leading astronomers.
A massive galaxy that behaves like it has next to no dark matter within it could challenge the current understanding of how the universe
(f) Identify the error and supply correction for the given sentence from a report published in a food and beverages magazine.
Tea, the drink of Asia for hundreds of years, believed to have been brought to Europe by the Dutch.
Use the given format for your response.
Error Correction
(g) Select the option that identifies the error and supplies the correction for the following line,
from a news report on Pop music and culture.
Few of our compatriots, the Be-Indian, Eat-Indian, Speak-Indian believe that MTV is an intrusion into Indian culture.
Option no. Error Correction
(i) few some
(ii) believe believed
(iii) an the
(iv) into in
(h) Select the correct option to fill in the blank for the given line, from a health update.
The doctors say that if you exercise daily even for ten minutes, you. ____________increase your life span and the health of your heart dramatically.
(i) will (iii) would
(ii) should (iv) ought to
(i) Report the dialogue between a grandson and his grandfather, by completing the sentence.
Grandson: Steve Smith is the greatest cricketer with a career average of 60 runs!
Grandfather: Do you know that Sir Donald Bradman of my generation holds a record career average of 99.94 runs?
On seeing his grandson's awestruck reaction to Steve Smith being the greatest cricketer, his grandfather asked him.____________a record career average of 99.94 runs.
(j) Complete the given narrative on school admissions by filling in the blank with the correct
Following the advice of the committee, the Delhi High Court _____________already ________
nursery schools from conducting any interviews in the coming days.
(i) has; barred
(ii) had; barred
(iii) have; been barred
(iv) will; have barred
(k) Complete the line from a poem on space and stars, by filling the blank with the correct option.
There is no light in earth or heaven
But the cold light of stars;
And the first watch of night ______________(give)
To the red planet Mars.
(i) gives (ii) is given
(iii) will give . (iv) given
(I) Identify the error and supply correction, for the following question in a question paper.
How much nickle teen is there in one cigarette? Answer in brief.
Use the given format for your response.
Error Correction
Note : All details presented in the questions are imaginary and created for assessment purpose.
4. (A) The Miracle Foundation has invited applications and recommendation letters for awarding the most coveted Golden Girl Child Scholarship for secondary school students. They must be academically sound and should meet the criteria enlisted to be considered for the scholarship that will last them until they pass out from school.
As the Principal of Sunflower Global School, draft a recommendation letter for a girl student of your school enlisting her achievements and area of work. (5)
(B) Lack of job opportunities in rural areas is forcing people to migrate to cities. Every big city thus has a number of slums in it. Life in these slums is miserable. Write a letter in a maximum of 120 words to the editor of a national newspaper on how we can improve the living conditions in these slums. You are Arun/Aruna, H-12, Mall Road, Shimla.
5. (A) Teenagers are obsessed with their cell phones so much so that their efforts to cut back on cell time do not pay many dividends. Analyse the data given to you, and pen your findings in a paragraph in 100-120 words. Give a suitable title to your draft. (5)
(B) On the basis of your own strengths, weaknesses and opportunities, threats in front of you, write a paragraph in 100-120 words about why public speaking should not be avoided if one has to gain self-confidence. Use your own example of overcoming fears to face an audience to emphasize your thoughts.
6. Read the given extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the two, given. (5)
(A) As she and her husband turned away in terror, the extraordinary chair pushed them both out of
the room and then appeared to slam and lock the door after them. Mrs Hall almost fell down the stairs in hysterics. She was convinced that the room was haunted by spirits, and that the stranger had somehow caused these to enter into her furniture.
"My poor mother used to sit in that chair," she moaned! To think it should rise up against me now! The feeling among the neighbours was that the trouble was caused by witchcraft. (Footprints without Feet)
(a) State any one inference about Mrs. Hall 'moaning' about 'the extraordinary chair' from
the given context.
…..the extraordinary chair pushed them both out of the room and then appeared to slam and lock the door after them.
(b) Study the statement.
The spirits haunted the house and the furniture in Griffin's room was surely possessed according to the Halls.
State whether the given statement is ________________
(i) a hypothesis
(ii) an assumption
(iii) just a superstition
(iv) a theory waiting to be proved
(c) Elaborate in about 30-40 words, with reference to the extract.
Mrs. Hall was convinced that the room was haunted by spirits' and other people thought
so too.
(d) Which phrase would correctly substitute 'in hysterics' as given in the extract?
Mrs. Hall almost fell down the stairs in hysterics.
(B) "It was only when I began to learn that my boyhood freedom was an illusion, when I discovered as a young man that my freedom had already been taken from me, that I began to hunger for it. At first as a student I wanted freedom only for myself, the transitory freedoms of being able to stay out at night, read what I pleased and go where I chose. Later, as a young man in Johannesburg, I yearned for the basic and honourable freedoms of achieving my potential, of earning my keep, of marrying and having a family-the freedom not to be obstructed in a lawful life." (Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom)
(a) The speaker's attitude towards his freedom when he was in his boyhood can be summed
up as ______________
(i) being self- centered
(ii) being naïve
(iii) being foolish
(iv) being indifferent to others
(b) How does Nelson Mandela understand the concept of "transitory freedoms"? Answer in
about 30-40 words.
(c) In the statement, 'I discovered as a young man that my freedom had already been taken
from me, that I began to hunger for it,' what was Mandela hungering after?
(i) The desire to lead a normal respectful life as a citizen.
(ii) The desire to fulfil all his professional dreams.
(iii) The breaking of the chains that bound his fellow citizens.
(iv) The wish to join the African National Congress.
(d) If 'Point of View' is the narration of a story that can be told from a first, second, or third
person's point of view, the given extract is told ________________
7. Read the given extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the two, given. (5)
(A) "Ink trickled down to the bottom of the household,
And little mouse Blink strategically mouseholed.
But up jumped Custard, snorting like an engine,
Clashed his tail like irons in a dungeon,
With a clatter and a clank and a jangling squirm,
He went at the pirate like a robin at a worm.
(The Tale of Custard the Dragon)
(a) Fill in the blank with suitable words on the basis of your understanding of the given lines.
The outcome of the clash between Custard and the pirate was that...
(b) What is the significance of the use of the words 'trickled down' and 'mouseholed' to describe the reactions of Belinda's pets and how does this word choice contribute to the overall situation in the poem? Answer in about 30-40 words.
(c) Match the figures of speech with their correct definitions (in the box given below) that
have been used by the poet in the given extract.
(d) Comment on the poet's use of language in these lines in about 30-40 words.
(B) All night the roots work
to disengage themselves from the cracks
in the veranda floor.
The leaves strain toward the glass
small twigs stiff with exertion
long-cramped boughs shuffling under the roof
like newly discharged patients
half-dazed, moving
to the clinic doors.
(The Trees)
(a) In what way does the language used in this extract challenge traditional ideas of what
poetry should be?
(b) What is the significance of the use of the word 'roots' and 'disengage' to describe the social change in the poem and how does this word choice contribute to the overall mood and tone of the poem? Answer in about 30-40 words.
(c) The leaves strain through the glass, small twigs are stiff with exertion and long-cramped boughs are shuffling under the roof- all indicate the presence of these poetic devices: ________________
(i) metaphors and imagery. (ii) enjambment and allusion.
(iii) allusion and alliteration. (iv) personification and imagery.
(d) Complete the statement.
The words 'in the veranda floor' clearly suggest that the change is taking place ___________. and ________________
8. Answer ANY FOUR of the following five questions, in about 40-50 words. (4x3=12)
(a) What does Valli mean when she says, "I was just agreeing with what you said about things
happening without our knowledge?" (Madam Rides the Bus)
(b) What does Carl Sandburg wish to convey through the symbolism of 'Fog"? (Fog) (c) Natalya is rather hypocritical, obstinate, and argumentative in nature. Justify the statement
with suitable examples. (The Proposal)
(d) Do you think that Lencho was right to call the post office employees a bunch of crooks? Why
or why not? (A Letter to God) (e) Tigers are ferocious and fearsome creatures but the tiger described by Leslie Norris rages quietly. Why is there a difference between their behaviour? (A Tiger in the Zoo)
9. Answer ANY TWO of the following three questions, in about 40-50 words. (2x3=6)
(a) Why does Mrs. Hall find the scientist, Griffin eccentric? (Footprints without Feet) (b) What was Oop's opinion about the 'sandwiches' he had eaten? (The Book that Saved the Earth) (c) The story A Triumph of Surgery' ends with Tricki returning home to his dog-parent, Mrs. Pumphrey. What do you think would happen to Tricki after he comes back to Mrs Pumphrey? Would his sickness and recovery change anything for both of them? (A Triumph of Surgery)
10. Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in about 100-120 words. (1×6=6)
(A) What did Buddha say in 'The Sermon at Benares about death and suffering? How does this
theme of suffering become a common link with the poem 'The Trees"?
(B) Anne Frank in 'From the Diary of Anne Frank' used to say that 'Paper has more patience than people'. Do you agree with the statement? What is the common element between her belief and Lencho's?
11. Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in about 100-120 words. (1×6=6) (A) "The thief in Hari Singh changed into a good human being". How far was Anil's considerate
nature responsible for this transformation? (The Thief's Story)
(B) A calm mind can help one more in a sticky situation than brute force or a show of strength. Explain with reference to the way Ausable conducted himself in a tricky situation and real-life experiences.
(The Midnight Visitor)

(g) Infer one benefit and one drawback of Coronavirus on domestic tourist footfalls. Answer in

about 30-40 words.

(h) Study the statement given below.

Domestic tourism is showing positive trends despite being weighed down by inflation. Which of the following options substantiate this statement?

(i) All flights and hotels are fully booked.

(ii) Luxury hotels have recovered their loyal clientele.

(iii) Heritage properties in Rajasthan are now in the reach of domestic tourists.

(iv) Room rents in Goa and Kerala have dropped to one third of the earlier rates.



3. Complete ANY TEN of twelve of the following tasks, as directed. (1×10=10)

(a) Fill in the blank by using the correct form of the word in the bracket, for the given portion

of a letter.

Dear Sir

Subject: Modern cities, old problems

A metropolitan city is the reflection of the entire country and if it ………………..

(find) lacking in basic amenities, then it is a cause for concern.

(b) Read the given sentence from the famous novel, ‘Around the World in Eighty Days.’ Identify

the error and supply the correction in the sentence.

Two thousand pounds in bank notes have been given to the mahout by Mr. Fogg for the upkeep of the elephant before he left India.

Use the given format for your response.

Error Correction

(c) Bunny told Shelley that he had got through the Delhi university’s admission test. Report the

question asked by Shelley.

(d) Select the correct option to complete the narration of the dialogue between two classmates.

Binny: How do you reckon you are going to fare in the exam?

Shaan: I am hoping to score above 85.

When Binny asked Shaan how he was going to fare in the exam, he replied that

(i) he would be able to score 85. (ii) he should be able to score 85.

(iii) he was hoping to score 85. (iv) he was hopeful to score 85.

(e) Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option, to complete the opening line of an article by

a team of leading astronomers.

A massive galaxy that behaves like it has next to no dark matter within it could challenge the current understanding of how the universe

(f) Identify the error and supply correction for the given sentence from a report published in a food and beverages magazine.

Tea, the drink of Asia for hundreds of years, believed to have been brought to Europe by the Dutch.

Use the given format for your response.

Error Correction

(g) Select the option that identifies the error and supplies the correction for the following line,

from a news report on Pop music and culture.

Few of our compatriots, the Be-Indian, Eat-Indian, Speak-Indian believe that MTV is an intrusion into Indian culture.

Option no. Error Correction

(i) few some

(ii) believe believed

(iii) an the

(iv) into in

(h) Select the correct option to fill in the blank for the given line, from a health update.

The doctors say that if you exercise daily even for ten minutes, you. ____________increase your life span and the health of your heart dramatically.

(i) will (iii) would

(ii) should (iv) ought to

(i) Report the dialogue between a grandson and his grandfather, by completing the sentence.

Grandson: Steve Smith is the greatest cricketer with a career average of 60 runs!

Grandfather: Do you know that Sir Donald Bradman of my generation holds a record career average of 99.94 runs?

On seeing his grandson’s awestruck reaction to Steve Smith being the greatest cricketer, his grandfather asked him.____________a record career average of 99.94 runs.

(j) Complete the given narrative on school admissions by filling in the blank with the correct


Following the advice of the committee, the Delhi High Court _____________already ________

nursery schools from conducting any interviews in the coming days.

(i) has; barred

(ii) had; barred

(iii) have; been barred

(iv) will; have barred

(k) Complete the line from a poem on space and stars, by filling the blank with the correct option.

There is no light in earth or heaven

But the cold light of stars;

And the first watch of night ______________(give)

To the red planet Mars.

(i) gives (ii) is given

(iii) will give . (iv) given

(I) Identify the error and supply correction, for the following question in a question paper.

How much nickle teen is there in one cigarette? Answer in brief.

Use the given format for your response.

Error Correction


Note : All details presented in the questions are imaginary and created for assessment purpose.

4. (A) The Miracle Foundation has invited applications and recommendation letters for awarding the most coveted Golden Girl Child Scholarship for secondary school students. They must be academically sound and should meet the criteria enlisted to be considered for the scholarship that will last them until they pass out from school.

As the Principal of Sunflower Global School, draft a recommendation letter for a girl student of your school enlisting her achievements and area of work. (5)


(B) Lack of job opportunities in rural areas is forcing people to migrate to cities. Every big city thus has a number of slums in it. Life in these slums is miserable. Write a letter in a maximum of 120 words to the editor of a national newspaper on how we can improve the living conditions in these slums. You are Arun/Aruna, H-12, Mall Road, Shimla.

5. (A) Teenagers are obsessed with their cell phones so much so that their efforts to cut back on cell time do not pay many dividends. Analyse the data given to you, and pen your findings in a paragraph in 100-120 words. Give a suitable title to your draft. (5)

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(B) On the basis of your own strengths, weaknesses and opportunities, threats in front of you, write a paragraph in 100-120 words about why public speaking should not be avoided if one has to gain self-confidence. Use your own example of overcoming fears to face an audience to emphasize your thoughts.


6. Read the given extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the two, given. (5)

(A) As she and her husband turned away in terror, the extraordinary chair pushed them both out of

the room and then appeared to slam and lock the door after them. Mrs Hall almost fell down the stairs in hysterics. She was convinced that the room was haunted by spirits, and that the stranger had somehow caused these to enter into her furniture.

“My poor mother used to sit in that chair,” she moaned! To think it should rise up against me now! The feeling among the neighbours was that the trouble was caused by witchcraft. (Footprints without Feet)

(a) State any one inference about Mrs. Hall ‘moaning’ about ‘the extraordinary chair’ from

the given context.

…..the extraordinary chair pushed them both out of the room and then appeared to slam and lock the door after them.

(b) Study the statement.

The spirits haunted the house and the furniture in Griffin’s room was surely possessed according to the Halls.

State whether the given statement is ________________

(i) a hypothesis

(ii) an assumption

(iii) just a superstition

(iv) a theory waiting to be proved

(c) Elaborate in about 30-40 words, with reference to the extract.

Mrs. Hall was convinced that the room was haunted by spirits’ and other people thought

so too.

(d) Which phrase would correctly substitute ‘in hysterics’ as given in the extract?

Mrs. Hall almost fell down the stairs in hysterics.


(B) “It was only when I began to learn that my boyhood freedom was an illusion, when I discovered as a young man that my freedom had already been taken from me, that I began to hunger for it. At first as a student I wanted freedom only for myself, the transitory freedoms of being able to stay out at night, read what I pleased and go where I chose. Later, as a young man in Johannesburg, I yearned for the basic and honourable freedoms of achieving my potential, of earning my keep, of marrying and having a family-the freedom not to be obstructed in a lawful life.” (Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom)

(a) The speaker’s attitude towards his freedom when he was in his boyhood can be summed

up as ______________

(i) being self- centered

(ii) being naïve

(iii) being foolish

(iv) being indifferent to others

(b) How does Nelson Mandela understand the concept of “transitory freedoms”? Answer in

about 30-40 words.

(c) In the statement, ‘I discovered as a young man that my freedom had already been taken

from me, that I began to hunger for it,’ what was Mandela hungering after?

(i) The desire to lead a normal respectful life as a citizen.

(ii) The desire to fulfil all his professional dreams.

(iii) The breaking of the chains that bound his fellow citizens.

(iv) The wish to join the African National Congress.

(d) If ‘Point of View’ is the narration of a story that can be told from a first, second, or third

person’s point of view, the given extract is told ________________

7. Read the given extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the two, given. (5)

(A) “Ink trickled down to the bottom of the household,

And little mouse Blink strategically mouseholed.

But up jumped Custard, snorting like an engine,

Clashed his tail like irons in a dungeon,

With a clatter and a clank and a jangling squirm,

He went at the pirate like a robin at a worm.

(The Tale of Custard the Dragon)

(a) Fill in the blank with suitable words on the basis of your understanding of the given lines.

The outcome of the clash between Custard and the pirate was that…

(b) What is the significance of the use of the words ‘trickled down’ and ‘mouseholed’ to describe the reactions of Belinda’s pets and how does this word choice contribute to the overall situation in the poem? Answer in about 30-40 words.

(c) Match the figures of speech with their correct definitions (in the box given below) that

have been used by the poet in the given extract.

CBSE Sample Papers 2023-24 Class 10 With Solution Free PDF Download

(d) Comment on the poet’s use of language in these lines in about 30-40 words.


(B) All night the roots work

to disengage themselves from the cracks

in the veranda floor.

The leaves strain toward the glass

small twigs stiff with exertion

long-cramped boughs shuffling under the roof

like newly discharged patients

half-dazed, moving

to the clinic doors.

(The Trees)

(a) In what way does the language used in this extract challenge traditional ideas of what

poetry should be?

(b) What is the significance of the use of the word ‘roots’ and ‘disengage’ to describe the social change in the poem and how does this word choice contribute to the overall mood and tone of the poem? Answer in about 30-40 words.

(c) The leaves strain through the glass, small twigs are stiff with exertion and long-cramped boughs are shuffling under the roof- all indicate the presence of these poetic devices: ________________

(i) metaphors and imagery. (ii) enjambment and allusion.

(iii) allusion and alliteration. (iv) personification and imagery.

(d) Complete the statement.

The words ‘in the veranda floor’ clearly suggest that the change is taking place ___________. and ________________

8. Answer ANY FOUR of the following five questions, in about 40-50 words. (4×3=12)

(a) What does Valli mean when she says, “I was just agreeing with what you said about things

happening without our knowledge?” (Madam Rides the Bus)

(b) What does Carl Sandburg wish to convey through the symbolism of ‘Fog”? (Fog)

(c) Natalya is rather hypocritical, obstinate, and argumentative in nature. Justify the statement

with suitable examples. (The Proposal)

(d) Do you think that Lencho was right to call the post office employees a bunch of crooks? Why

or why not? (A Letter to God)

(e) Tigers are ferocious and fearsome creatures but the tiger described by Leslie Norris rages quietly. Why is there a difference between their behaviour? (A Tiger in the Zoo)

9. Answer ANY TWO of the following three questions, in about 40-50 words. (2×3=6)

(a) Why does Mrs. Hall find the scientist, Griffin eccentric? (Footprints without Feet)

(b) What was Oop’s opinion about the ‘sandwiches’ he had eaten? (The Book that Saved the Earth)

(c) The story A Triumph of Surgery’ ends with Tricki returning home to his dog-parent, Mrs. Pumphrey. What do you think would happen to Tricki after he comes back to Mrs Pumphrey? Would his sickness and recovery change anything for both of them? (A Triumph of Surgery)

10. Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in about 100-120 words. (1×6=6)

(A) What did Buddha say in ‘The Sermon at Benares about death and suffering? How does this

theme of suffering become a common link with the poem ‘The Trees”?


(B) Anne Frank in ‘From the Diary of Anne Frank’ used to say that ‘Paper has more patience than people’. Do you agree with the statement? What is the common element between her belief and Lencho’s?

11. Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in about 100-120 words. (1×6=6)

(A) “The thief in Hari Singh changed into a good human being”. How far was Anil’s considerate

nature responsible for this transformation? (The Thief’s Story)


(B) A calm mind can help one more in a sticky situation than brute force or a show of strength. Explain with reference to the way Ausable conducted himself in a tricky situation and real-life experiences.

(The Midnight Visitor)

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