PC Wren’s Grammar Class 8 Chapter 1 Determiners All answers-2023: Do you know?

PC Wren’s Grammar Chapter 1 Determiners All answers-2023

In this post, we will learn Chapter 1 Determiners of our book PC Wren’s Grammar. This is very important book. and if you want to watch the video of this chapter with full explanation you can visit our Youtube channel. and side it you want other solution of literature book you can explore this website


Chapter 1 Determiners All answers

Exercise 1 Complete the following sentences by filling in determiners a, an, or the as may be suitable. 

1. He looks as stupid as __________ owl.

 2. The guide knows __________ way.. 

3. Honest men speak __________truth.

4. Copper is __________useful metal. 

5. He is on __________honour to his country. 

6. French is __________ easy language. 

7. __________sun shines brightly. 

8. Sri Lanka is __________ island. 

9. I have come without __________ umbrella. 

10. __________lion is __________the king of beasts. 

11. I bought __________horse, __________ox and __________buffalo. 

12. The children found __________egg in the nest. 


  1. He looks as stupid as an owl.
  2. The guide knows the way.
  3. Honest men speak the truth.
  4. Copper is a useful metal.
  5. He is on an honour to his country.
  6. French is an easy language.
  7. The sun shines brightly.
  8. Sri Lanka is an island.
  9. I have come without an umbrella.
  10. The lion is the king of beasts.
  11. I bought a horse, an ox, and a buffalo.
  12. The children found an egg in the nest.

Chapter 1 Determiners All answers

Exercise 2 Insert articles where necessary. 

1. While there is life there is hope. 

2. I have not seen him since he was child. 

3. Umbrella is of no avail against thunderstorms. 

4. How blue sky looks! 

5. The doctor says it is hopeless case. 

6. Get kilo of sugar from nearest grocer. 

7. My favourite flower is rose. 

8. What kind of bird is that?

9. It is never thankful office to offer advice. 

10. There is nothing like staying at home for comfort. 

11. Moon did not rise till after ten. 

12. Wild animals suffer when kept in captivity. 

13. You must take care of your health. 

14. Set back’clock; it is hour too fast. 


  1. While there is life there is hope.
  2. I have not seen him since he was a child.
  3. An umbrella is of no avail against a thunderstorm.
  4. How blue the sky looks!
  5. The doctor says it is a hopeless case.
  6. Get a kilo of sugar from the nearest grocer.
  7. My favourite flower is the rose.
  8. What kind of bird is that?
  9. It is never a thankful office to offer advice.
  10. There is nothing like staying at home for comfort.
  11. The moon did not rise till after ten.
  12. Wild animals suffer when kept in captivity.
  13. You must take care of your health.
  14. Set back the clock; it is an hour too fast.

Chapter 1 Determiners All answers

Exercise 3 Complete the sentences with determiners. 

1. There are __________books in the library.

2. We invited __________friends over to our house for a barbecue. 

3. Most __________of the cakes had been baked the day before. 

4. Sally didn’t take __________photos when she went on holiday. 

5. The teacher gave __________of the students a piece of paper. 

6. __________of my friends sent me a birthday card, but none of them bought me a present. 

7. Henry had __________idea what the answer to the question was. 

8. I like many of her songs,but not __________of them are good. 


  1. There are many books in the library.
  2. We invited some friends over to our house for a barbecue.
  3. Most of the cakes had been baked the day before.
  4. Sally didn’t take any photos when she went on holiday.
  5. The teacher gave each of the students a piece of paper.
  6. Some of my friends sent me a birthday card, but none of them bought me a present.
  7. Henry had no idea what the answer to the question was.
  8. I like many of her songs, but not all of them are good.

Exercise 4 Insert a little’ or ‘the little, whichever is suitable. 

1. __________grain they had was damaged by sea water. 

2 __________care could have prevented the catastrophe. 

3. __________ precaution is necessary in handling that machine. 


  1. The little grain they had was damaged by sea water.
  2. A little care could have prevented the catastrophe.
  3. A little precaution is necessary in handling that machine.

Chapter 1 Determiners All answers

Exercise 5 Insert a few or ‘the few”, whichever is suitable. 

1 __________public libraries that we have are not well equipped. 

2. __________days that are left to him he spends in solitude and meditation.

3. __________ days’ rest is all that is needed. 

4. It is a question of spending __________ rupees. 

5. __________Japanese that are in Mumbai are law-abiding citizens. 

 6. In __________words he expressed his gratitude to his friends. 


  1. The few public libraries that we have are not well equipped.
  2. The few days that are left to him he spends in solitude and meditation.
  3. A few days’ rest is all that is needed.
  4. It is a question of spending a few rupees.
  5. The few Japanese that are in Mumbai are law-abiding citizens.
  6. In a few words he expressed his gratitude to his friends.

Chapter 1 Determiners All answers

Exercise 6 Fill in the blanks with a little or a few. 

1. There will be __________rain this week. 

2. I need __________rest. 

3. Could you buy __________bottles of water for me?

4. My parents give me __________pocket money every week. 

5. All we need is __________luck 

6. Would like to eat __________biscuits? 

7. There is still __________bread left. 

8. My friend knows __________celebrities. 


  1. There will be a little rain this week.
  2. I need a little rest.
  3. Could you buy a few bottles of water for me?
  4. My parents give me a little pocket money every week.
  5. All we need is a little luck.
  6. Would you like to eat a few biscuits?
  7. There is still a little bread left.
  8. My friend knows a few celebrities.

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