Exploring the Universe: A Review of George’s Secret Key to the Universe- BuzzWord Class 8 All Question Answer

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BuzzWord  Chapter 1 George’s Secret Key to the Universe

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BuzzWord  Chapter 1 George’s Secret Key to the universe

BuzzWord  Chapter 1 George’s Secret Key to the universe


In the first chapter of “George’s Secret Key to the Universe,” the story introduces us to the main character, George, who enters an abandoned house in search of his pet. To his surprise, he discovers that the house is not abandoned at all and that a girl named Annie lives there with her father, Eric. Eric is a scientist who has a messy house filled with books and papers, but what captures George’s attention the most is Eric’s special computer named Cosmos.

Cosmos is described as a small, glossy, and powerful computer that seems like something out of a spaceship. When Eric introduces George to Cosmos, the computer speaks with a mechanical voice and claims to be the most powerful computer in the world. It boasts about its ability to compute vast amounts of data and predicts that there will be more powerful computers in the future.

Eric wants to show George how a star is born using Cosmos, but the computer interrupts and insists that George must take a special oath before proceeding. Eric explains that the oath is important to ensure that scientific knowledge is used for the benefit of humanity and not for harm. George willingly takes the oath, promising to use his scientific knowledge responsibly.

Once George takes the oath, Eric instructs him to read the Oath of the Scientist out loud. Afterward, Cosmos celebrates with flashing colors on its screen. Eric then activates Cosmos to create a window to the universe. Through the window, George sees a view of vast darkness with countless tiny stars. Cosmos explains that stars are constantly being born in clouds of dust and gas.

As they observe the view, George notices a patch of total darkness in one corner. With Eric’s control, they zoom in and discover a massive cloud in outer space, composed of particles floating within it. Eric explains that this cloud is where many stars will be born. George watches as the particles within the cloud come together to form spinning lumps of matter, which gradually shrink and become hotter. Eventually, one of the lumps explodes, shedding its outer layers and transforming into a star, resembling the Sun.

George is amazed by the sight of the star and its power. He witnesses jets of shining gases emitted from its surface and asks Eric if the star will shine forever. Eric replies by saying, “Nothing is forever, George,” implying that even stars have a lifespan. The chapter concludes with George being captivated by the beauty and wonder of the universe.

In summary, the first chapter of “George’s Secret Key to the Universe” introduces George, Annie, and her father Eric. It presents Cosmos, the powerful computer, and showcases its ability to create a window to the universe. George takes an oath to use scientific knowledge for good, and Eric demonstrates how stars are born, leaving George in awe of the vastness and transient nature of the universe.


A. Answer in brief. 

1. Whom does George meet in the abandoned house? 

2. Who is Cosmos? 

3. What did Eric want Cosmos to show George? 

4. What was on the other side of the window? 

5. What was the patch of total darkness in the bottom corner of the window? 

6. What happened as the giant balls spun round and round? 


  1. George meets a girl named Annie and her father, Eric, in the abandoned house.
  2. Cosmos is Eric’s special computer, which is small, powerful, and glossy. It claims to be the most powerful computer in the world.
  3. Eric wanted Cosmos to show George how a star is born.
  4. On the other side of the window, George could see an incredible, vast darkness with tiny bright stars scattered throughout.
  5. The patch of total darkness in the bottom corner of the window was a huge cloud in outer space, made up of gas and dust particles. Many stars would be born from this cloud.
  6. As the giant balls spun round and round, they appeared to get smaller and hotter. Eventually, they would shrink to a point where they would explode, throwing off their outer layers and transforming into shining stars.

B. Read these lines from the text and answer the questions. 

1. I am cleverer than Eric too. 

a. Who says these lines? 

b. Is the speaker really cleverer than Eric? How did he prove himself? 

C. What did he ask George to do? 

2. It had a big sheet of glass in the pane and a metal frame. 

Beyond it, there was a view. 

a. What is being described here? 

b. What was special about the view? 

C. What did George do when he saw it? How did it make him feel? 

3. It was a beautiful sight. George gazed at it, amazed by its power. 

a. What is being described here? 

b. Why was George amazed to see it? 

C. What does he ask Eric after seeing this? 



a. Cosmos says these lines.

b. The speaker, Cosmos, claims to be cleverer than Eric. He proves himself by boasting about being able to compute billions of numbers in a nanosecond and having vast knowledge about the universe.

c. Cosmos asks George to say hello to him, emphasizing the importance of greeting the computer to avoid offending it.

  •  2.

a. The description is referring to the window that Cosmos created on the Universe.

b. The view beyond the window was special because it revealed an incredible, vast darkness peppered with tiny bright stars, giving George a glimpse into outer space.

c. When George saw the view through the window, he was captivated and felt amazed by its beauty and the power it represented.

  •  3.

a. The description is about the star that George sees shining in the distance.

b. George was amazed to see the star because of its beauty and the realization that it was a powerful celestial body.

c. After seeing the star, George asks Eric if it will keep shining like that forever, showing his curiosity and wonder about the star’s nature and longevity.

C. Answer in detail. 

1. Why does Cosmos think it is the most powerful computer in the world? 

2. Describe the Oath of the Scientist. 

3. How did Cosmos create the window to the Universe? 

4. What was the huge cloud in outer space made up of? What was happening 

inside it? 

5. “George could feel the heat from where he sat on the sofa.” What was causing 

the heat? 

What is a nuclear fusion reaction? 


  1. Cosmos thinks it is the most powerful computer in the world because it claims to have unmatched computational abilities. It boasts about being able to compute billions of numbers in a nanosecond and having knowledge about the life of planets, comets, stars, and galaxies. According to Cosmos, while there might be more powerful computers in the future, there are none in the past or present that surpass its capabilities.
  2. The Oath of the Scientist is a promise taken by individuals who seek to use their scientific knowledge for the good of humanity. It emphasizes the responsible use of knowledge and the avoidance of harm. The oath includes the following key points:

a) Using scientific knowledge for the betterment of humanity.

b) Promising not to harm any person in the pursuit of knowledge.

c) Being courageous and careful in the quest for greater understanding.

d) Not using scientific knowledge for personal gain or sharing it with those who seek to destroy the planet.

e) Acknowledging the consequence of breaking the oath, which is the potential loss of access to the beauty and wonder of the Universe.

3. Cosmos created the window to the Universe by projecting a beam of very bright white light from its screen. The beam moved into the middle of the room, where it sketched a shape in the air, eventually forming a window. The window appeared like a real window with a big sheet of glass and a metal frame. Through this window, George and the others could see the incredible darkness of outer space, filled with tiny bright stars.

4. The huge cloud in outer space was composed of gas and dust particles. These particles were floating around inside the cloud, and some of them were joining together to form large lumps of matter. The lumps of matter spun round and round, gathering more particles, but instead of getting bigger, they seemed to be getting smaller. This suggested that something was squeezing them. The cloud was a vast formation where many stars would be born from the particles coming together.

5. The heat that George felt while sitting on the sofa was caused by the giant ball of matter that was spinning and getting smaller as it shrunk. As the ball shrank, it became hotter and hotter due to the compression of particles and the release of energy. The increasing heat led to the ball glowing with a dim but frightening light, generating enough warmth to be felt by George even at a distance.

6. Nuclear fusion is a process that occurs in stars, including the Sun. It involves the fusion or joining together of atomic nuclei to form a heavier nucleus, releasing an enormous amount of energy in the process. When a star is born, a huge amount of gas and dust combine and shrink under gravitational forces. As the particles in the core of the star become densely packed, nuclear fusion reactions are initiated, releasing vast amounts of energy. This energy sustains the star’s shining and supports its ongoing processes.

D. Think and answer. 

1. How does Eric treat Cosmos? What does this tell you about Eric’s character? 

Is Eric similar to other scientists? 

2. “Nothing is for ever, George.” What does this line mean? Is it true of all things? 


  1. Eric treats Cosmos with a mix of fondness and exasperation. While he appreciates Cosmos’ capabilities and is proud of its intelligence, he also acknowledges that computers like Cosmos can be touchy and even boasts. This suggests that Eric has a close and somewhat familiar relationship with Cosmos, treating it almost like a companion or colleague. Eric’s character is portrayed as someone who is passionate about science and technology, and he values the capabilities and contributions of advanced machines like Cosmos. Although the text doesn’t provide extensive details about other scientists, Eric’s treatment of Cosmos implies that he shares similarities with other scientists who have a deep fascination with and appreciation for scientific advancements.
  2. The line “Nothing is forever, George” indicates that everything in the universe is subject to change and impermanence. It implies that all things, including stars and other celestial bodies, have a lifespan and are not eternal. This line reflects the understanding that the universe is constantly evolving and undergoing transformations. While it is true that nothing in the universe remains the same indefinitely, it should be noted that certain processes and phenomena can last for extraordinarily long periods, giving the appearance of stability or permanence on a human timescale.


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