Do’s and Don’ts in the Classroom for Students || Classroom Behavior || How to improve classroom behavior Latest Answer 2023

This blog post discusses the do’s and don’ts of classroom behavior for students. It covers topics such as respecting the teacher and classmates, actively participating, listening attentively, completing assignments on time, and following classroom rules.” This is a good meta description because it is accurate, relevant, and concise. It also includes the focus keyword “classroom behavior.”

Introduction Classroom Behavior

Classroom behavior plays a crucial role in a student’s academic journey. It not only affects their own learning experience but also impacts the overall classroom environment. By understanding and adhering to the do’s and don’ts of classroom conduct, students can create a positive and conducive learning atmosphere. In this article, we will explore the essential guidelines for students to follow, helping them make the most of their time in the classroom.

Do’s in the Classroom

1. Respect the Teacher and Classmates

Respecting the teacher and fellow classmates is fundamental to maintaining a healthy learning environment. Treat everyone with kindness, empathy, and courtesy. Listen actively when others are speaking and be open to different perspectives. By showing respect, you contribute to a positive classroom atmosphere.

2. Active Participation

Active participation in classroom discussions and activities fosters a deeper understanding of the subject matter. Raise your hand to answer questions, offer insights, and contribute to group discussions. Engage with the material and express your thoughts constructively, promoting an interactive learning experience.

3. Listen Attentively

Listening attentively is a valuable skill that helps you grasp important concepts and instructions. Focus on what the teacher is saying, maintain eye contact, and avoid distractions. By being an attentive listener, you demonstrate respect for the teacher and show that you value the learning opportunities provided.

4. Complete Assignments on Time

Meeting assignment deadlines is crucial for academic success. Develop effective time management skills and organize your tasks to ensure timely completion of assignments. By submitting your work on time, you demonstrate responsibility and commitment to your education.

5. Ask Questions and Seek Help

Don’t hesitate to ask questions when you encounter difficulties or need clarification. Seeking help is a sign of proactiveness and a desire to learn. Teachers are there to support you, so take advantage of their expertise. By asking questions, you deepen your understanding and make the most of your educational experience.

6. Be Organized

Maintain an organized approach to your studies. Keep track of assignments, notes, and deadlines. Use planners or digital tools to stay organized and manage your time effectively. Being organized helps you stay focused, reduces stress, and ensures that you don’t miss important tasks or deadlines.

7. Follow Classroom Rules and Procedures

Adhering to classroom rules and procedures is essential for a harmonious learning environment. Familiarize yourself with the guidelines set by your teacher, such as raising your hand to speak, using respectful language, or following specific procedures for group work. By following the rules, you contribute to a smooth and productive classroom environment.

Don’ts in the Classroom

1. Disruptive Behavior

Avoid engaging in disruptive behavior that distracts others from learning. Refrain from talking loudly, making unnecessary noises, or engaging in activities that divert attention from the lesson. By respecting the learning environment, you enable both yourself and others to focus and succeed academically.

2. Talking Out of Turn

Respect the classroom discourse by waiting for your turn to speak. Talking out of turn disrupts the flow of the lesson and can hinder comprehension for yourself and others. By patiently waiting for your opportunity to contribute, you show respect for the teacher and your classmates.

3. Bullying or Teasing Others

Treat your classmates with kindness and empathy, avoiding any form of bullying or teasing. Be inclusive and welcoming to all students, regardless of their backgrounds or differences. Create a safe and supportive environment that encourages everyone to learn and grow.

4. Cheating or Plagiarizing

Maintain academic integrity by refraining from cheating or plagiarizing. Take pride in your own work and give credit to others for their ideas or contributions. By upholding honesty and integrity, you cultivate a sense of trust among your peers and teachers.

5. Using Electronic Devices Without Permission

Respect your teacher’s guidelines regarding the use of electronic devices in the classroom. Avoid using your phone, tablet, or other devices unless explicitly permitted. Electronic distractions can hinder your own learning and disrupt the class. By using devices responsibly, you demonstrate self-discipline and consideration for others.

6. Being Unprepared for Class

Arrive at class prepared and ready to engage in the learning process. Complete assigned readings, bring necessary materials, and review previous lessons. Being unprepared not only hampers your own progress but also affects the overall flow of the class. By coming prepared, you show dedication to your education.

Benefits of Good Classroom Behavior

Practicing good classroom behavior yields numerous benefits that extend beyond academic achievements. When students adhere to the do’s and don’ts, they can experience the following advantages:

Enhanced Learning Experience: A positive classroom environment allows for effective teaching and learning. By following the guidelines, students can fully immerse themselves in the educational journey, leading to improved understanding and retention of knowledge.

Positive Relationships with Teachers and Classmates: Respectful behavior fosters strong relationships with teachers and classmates. This creates a supportive network, encouraging collaboration, and providing a sense of belonging within the classroom community.

Improved Academic Performance: Engaging in positive classroom behavior promotes better academic performance. Active participation, timely completion of assignments, and effective communication with teachers contribute to higher grades and a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

Development of Essential Life Skills: The do’s and don’ts in the classroom nurture essential life skills. Students learn self-discipline, time management, effective communication, and teamwork—skills that are valuable beyond the academic sphere.


In conclusion, adhering to the do’s and don’ts of classroom behavior is crucial for students’ success. By respecting the teacher and classmates, actively participating, listening attentively, completing assignments on time, and following classroom rules, students create a positive learning environment. Conversely, avoiding disruptive behavior, talking out of turn, bullying, cheating, and being unprepared contributes to a productive and respectful classroom atmosphere. Embracing good classroom behavior not only enhances academic performance but also cultivates essential life skills necessary for future success.


Q1. Can I use my phone during class if it’s related to the topic being discussed?

A1. It’s best to ask your teacher for permission before using your phone for any purpose during class, even if it’s related to the topic being discussed. Respect your teacher’s guidelines regarding the use of electronic devices.

Q2. How can I overcome shyness and actively participate in classroom discussions?

A2. Overcoming shyness takes time and practice. Start by preparing well for class discussions, jotting down your thoughts, and gradually voicing your opinions. Remember that everyone’s contributions are valuable, and the more you participate, the more confident you’ll become.

Q3. What should I do if I don’t understand something in class?

A3. Don’t hesitate to ask questions when you don’t understand something. Raise your hand or approach your teacher after class for clarification. Seeking help is a sign of strength and a desire to learn.

Q4. Is it essential to follow classroom rules even if others are not doing so?

A4. Yes, it’s important to follow classroom rules regardless of what others are doing. Your behavior sets an example, and by following the rules, you contribute to a positive learning environment.

Q5. How can good classroom behavior benefit me beyond my academic years?

A5. Good classroom behavior cultivates essential life skills such as self-discipline, time management, effective communication, and teamwork. These skills are invaluable in various aspects of life, including future careers and personal relationships.

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