Prachi English Grammar class 8th chapter 6 Pronoun. All Solutions English (grammar)

Hello Everyone, In this Article we are going to learn Prachi English Grammar [ Prachi (India) Pvt. Ltd.] class 8th chapter 6 Pronoun. In this article I am telling you all the solution of all the exercise: Prachi English Grammar class 8th chapter 6 Pronoun.


Exerecise:1- Fill in the blanks with appropriate personal pronouns. Some of the blanks need determiners also:

1-    Mohan, Sohan & Ramesh visited _________ Office______ had tea with_____. ________left after twenty minutes

2-    Ram and ________ are neighbors.

3-    I hope you and ______ father are mine.

4-    I shall attend your marriage. But _____ mother can’t. _______ is ill.

5-    He has lost ______book.

6-    They have done ______ work.

7-    I have invited a friend of _______to the party.

8-    He took a neighbor of ______ to hospital.


1-    My, They, me, they

2-    You

3-    Your

4-    My, she

5-    His

6-    Theirs

7-    Yours

8-    Him

Exercise:2- change the following reflexive pronoun into emphatic pronoun.

1-    I shall do it myself.

2-    She can go there herself.

3-    They will reach here themselves.

4-    He did it himself.

5-    You solved the sum yourself.


1-    I myself shall do it

2-    She herself can go there.

3-    They themselves will reach here

4-    He himself did it.

5-    You yourself solved the  sum

Exercise:3- fill in the blanks with interrogative pronoun

1-    There is a book on the table. _______is it?

2-    _________ do you want to do?

3-    _________ is yours?

4-    _________ is at the gate?

5-    _________ do you want to see?


1-    What

2-    What

3-    What

4-    Who

5-    what

Exercise:4- Fill in the blanks with suitable relative pronouns.

1-    This is the boy ________ won the first prize.

2-    He wants to buys _________ is in your locality.

3-    Uneasy lies the head ______ wears a crowns.

4-    Here is the girl ________ purse was lost.

5-    Where is boy to _______ you lent your book?

6-    The prisoners _____ had escaped were dangerous.

7-    There are the trees ______ leaves have fallen?

8-    This is the flat in _______ he lives.

9-    Here is the boy _______ you were looking for.

10-                      This is the chair ______ leg was broken.


1-    Who

2-    Which

3-    That

4-    Whose

5-    Whom

6-    That

7-    Which

8-    Which

9-    Whom

10-                      Whose

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Exercise:5- underline the pronouns in the following sentences.

1-    Ram is intelligent. He stood first in his class. His teacher congratulated him.

2-    All the doors were closed but one was open.

3-    I have two diaries, choose either.

4-    I have given him his book.

5-    This book is mine. It is his.

6-    I have never met him.

7-    Let us try our best.

8-    They lost their way in the jungle.

9-    She slapped him an the face.

10-                      This house is theirs.


1-    He, his

2-    All

3-    I, Either

4-    I, him

5-    Mine, his

6-    I, him

7-    Us

8-    They

9-    She, him

10-                      Theirs

Laura By Saki class 8 

Exercise:6- Encircle the demonstrative pronouns in the following sentences.

1-    This is his pen. But that is mine.

2-    This house is hers. But that is theirs.

3-    This is my sister. Those are her dogs.

4-    These basket contains apples. But those are empty.

5-    This is what he told now.

6-    That is not required now.

7-    Those who live in glass houses should not throw stone at others.

8-    That is my opinion  on the matter.

Answers: ( See Highlighted words above)

1-    This , that

2-    That

3-    This, those

4-    Those

5-    This

6-    That

7-    Those

8-    That

Exercise:7- choose the correct pronouns from the given in the brackets and fill in the blanks:

1-    Our team scored more goal ______. ( them/ theirs)

2-    Suresh and __________ went to the movie. ( me / I)

3-    He is taller than ________ . (me/ I)

4-    She knew that it was _______ . ( he/ him)

5-     Between you and ________ , I don’t trust him.( he/ him)

6-    He and ________ are friends (I / Me)

7-     We are not  as rich as ________.( they / them)

8-    Who broke the slate? It wasn’t ______. ( I / Me)

9-     Let _______ go now. ( we/ us)

10-                      He is as young as _______. ( I /me)


1-    Theirs

2-    I

3-    Me

4-    Him

5-    He

6-    I

7-     They

8-    Me

9-    Us

10-                      She

Exercise:8- choose the right pronoun from those given in brackets.

1-    ________ of the three boys is intelligent. ( none / neither)

2-    ________ of the two boys will win the prize. (either / anyone)

3-    We must love _______ neighbors. ( our / their)

4-    He and I have read ______ books. ( our/ my)

5-    He is not the boy _______ he was once. (who/ that)

6-    She is one of those ladies ______ will help you. ( who /  whom)

7-     This house is ________. (me / mine)

8-     _______ of the four is going  to win the match. ( none / neither)

9-     I know ________ who can guide you. ( anyone / someone)

10-                      She never absents ________ from school. ( her / herself)


1-    None

2-    Either

3-    Our

4-    Our

5-    Who

6-    Who

7-    Mine

8-    None

9-    Someone 

10-                      Herself

Exercise: 9- Fill in the blanks with the correct relative pronouns:

1-    I have read the book _______ you gave me.

2-    The boy _______ she met today was neighbor.

3-    This the woman ____ husband is dead.

4-    She is most beautiful girl _______ I have ever seen.

5-    Look at the girl ______ is wearing jeans.

6-    The man _______ met you at the lake is pick- pocket.

7-    I met the fisherman ______ boat was damaged.

8-    Bring me the books _____ are on the table.

9-    Listen to him ______ he says.

10-                      Buys the toys _____ the child wants.


1-    That

2-    Whom

3-    Whose

4-    That

5-    That

6-    That

7-    Whose

8-    That

9-    What

10-          That

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