The Way Through the Woods Chapter 9 Collins Enhanced English Alive Coursebook || Class 8

In this post, I am sharing with you Class 8 Chapter 9 The Way Through the woods || Summary, Analysis, and All Exercises and Answers

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Summary of  The Way Through the Woods

The poem “The Way Through the Woods” by Rudyard Kipling talks about a
hidden path in the woods that used to be an important road. However, over time,
it has been forgotten and covered by trees and bushes. Only the keeper of the
woods and the creatures who live there know about it now.


The poem describes how nature has taken back the road, and how it is now lost. But
the speaker suggests that it is not entirely forgotten. On quiet nights, people
can hear the sound of horse hooves and clothing rustling as if someone is
traveling down the old road. This shows that the road still exists in the minds
of those who remember it.


The poem is about how time can make us forget important things, but they can still
live on in our memories and imaginations. It reminds us that there is more to
the world than what we see and that we can find traces of the past in
unexpected places. The poem also shows the power of imagination and memory, as
even though the road is gone, it still exists in people’s minds.


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COMPREHENSION  (The Way Through the Woods)

A. Read the lines from the poem and answer the questions. 

1. They shut the
road through the woods 

Seventy years

Weather and rain have
undone it again, 

When was the road shut? 

Answer:  The
road was shut seventy years ago.

What had happened to the road since it was

Answer:  The weather and rains made the road
disappear as plants and trees had grown over it.


2. It is underneath
the coppice and heath, 

And the thin anemones. 

Only the keeper sees 

What hid under the coppice and heath? 

Answer:  A road hid under the coppice and


Who could see that? 

Answer:  Only the keeper could see the road. 


3. You will hear the
beat of a horse’s feet, 

And the swish of a
skirt in the dew, 

Steadily cantering

What two sounds does the poet refer to here? 

Answer:  The
poet refers to the beat of a horse’s feet and the swish of a skirt in the dew.

What does the cantering of the horse suggest? 

Answer:  The cantering
of the horse suggests that it can move swiftly on the road that is hidden under
small plants.

B. Answer the questions briefly. (The Way Through the Woods)

1. According to the poet, who could see where the road once lay? 

Answer:  The keeper could see where the road once lay. 


2. When did the air cool the pool filled with fish? 

Answer:  The
air cools the pool filled with fish at night.

3. Why wasn’t the otter afraid of men? 

Answer:  The otter was not afraid of men because
there were very few men in the forest. 


4. What creatures were seen and heard in the forest? 

Answer:  Otters and horses were seen and heard in the forest. 


C. Think and answer the questions. ( The Way Through the woods )

1. Do you think all the sounds in the woods were for real? Why?/Why not? 

Answer:  No, the sounds are just a figment of the poet’s imagination as he is trying to recall the old times Gone by. 


2. Do you think there is a sense of mystery in the poem? Justify your answer

Answer:  Yes, there is a sense of mystery in the poem, as we don’t know why the road was shut down. Also, the way the poet describes ‘the beat of a horse’s feet’ and ‘the swish of
the skirt in the dew’ makes the poem a little mysterious and intriguing and one
wonders what happened to the road.

The Way Through the woods Analysis


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