Class 10- Board 2022-23-The Best Tense Exercise With Answers

Class 10- Board 2022-23

In this post I Tried my best to sum up all the important Tense exercise that is necessary For 

Class 10- Board 2022-23 Based All Important Exercises of Tense Class 10- Board 2022-23

1. Directions (Q. Nos. 1-20) Choose the correct tenses from the options to fill in the blanks.

1. … Frank in Toronto?

(a) Did you meet (b) Have you

(c) Were you meeting (d) Will you

2. He had a break after he …… for two hours.

(a) was walking (b) had been walking

(c) has walked (d) walk

3. I…… her for a long time.

(a) know (b) have known

(c) have been knowing (d) had knew

4. We the windows and the car on Saturday …… morning.

(a) was cleaning (b) cleaned (c) have been cleaning (d) will cleaned

5. I ……. in Pathankot for a week in 1998.

(a) worked (b) have been working

(c) have worked (d) will be working

6. I …… you in your office with a girl! Really? We……..

(a) saw, have just talked

(b) have seen, just talked

(c) saw, were just talking

(d) had seen, have been just talking

7. How many cupboards

(a) did they moved

(b) have they moved

(c) have they been moving moved since yesterday?

(d) they moved

8. As he…… a bike , a dog …. Him

(a) was riding, bit

(b) rode, bite

(c) was riding, has bitten him.

(d) had been riding, bit

9 When the dog …. Him, he …. His bike

(a) was biting, fall off

(b) bit, was falling off

(c) bit, fell off him, he his bike.

(d) had bit, fall off

10. I can’t stand it anymore……. the furniture since breakfast.

(a) am polishing (b) have been polishing

(c) have polished (d) was polishing

11. I was exhausted at the end of the exam. hours.I ……. for over two hours

(a) had been writing (c) was writing (b) had written (d) have written

12. When the thieves stole my favourite leather jacket, I was really upset. I ……… it for over ten years

. (a) had

(b) has had

(c) have had

(d) had had

13. Please step out of the car, Mr Saran. Do you realise you……… at over 90mph?

(a) were driving (b) had driven (c) had been driving (d) had driven

14. The Prime Minister said that it …… him great pleasure to meet the soldiers that evening.

(a) gives (b) gave (c) was giving (d) is driving

15. This……. an easy quiz so far.

(a) has been (b) had been (c) was (d) will have been

16. They …….. in an apartment right now because they can’t find a cheap house.

(a) have been living (b) are living

(c) had been living (d) were living

17. Everyone…..the earthquake hit the small town.

(a) is sleeping (b) slept (c) was sleeping (d) will be sleeping

18. No one even noticed when I got home. They …. The big game on T.V

(a) have been all watching (b) had all watched

(c) had all watched (d) were al watching

19. I …… basketball quite well, but I haven’t had time to practice it since I came to Mumbai

(a) will play (b) play (c) am playing (d) have played

20. You ….. me crazy. Turn off the TV! But I think you ….. a walk in the garden.

(a)drove, need (b) drive, needed

(c) are driving, are needed (d) are driving, need

Prachi English Grammar Chapter 8-Tense

II. Directions (Q. Nos. 21-25) Fill in the blanks with the correct form of tense to complete the passage.

Street threatre in India (21)…….. a well established ancient art form. Despite the proliferation of modern of entertainment communication, street threatre(22)…….. to flourish in India. Street theature as a channel of communication (23)…….. for centuries (24)… propagating reforms by highlighting the social, political and economic issues present in the society. Unlike in the olden days, its performance is no longer (25)…….. to villages or small localities of the city.

21. (a) is (b) are (c) has (d) were

22. (a) continue (b) continues (c) continuing (d) had been continuing

23. (a) had (b) have (c) has (d) having

24. (a) be (b) being (c) become (d) been

25. (a) restrict (b) restricting (c) restricted (d) restricts

Class 10- Board 2022-23 Fill in the blank based exercise Starts here 

Prachi English Grammar Class 8 Tense 

III. Fill in the blanks using correct tenses.

A. 1. Hardly had the minister finished the speech when the earthquake…… (shake) the stadium.

2. Everybody will be at office at about 08:30 am at nine tomorrow as the meeting…… (start) at nine o’clock.

3. While climbing onto the mountain top, I………. (encounter) a strange animal which I had never seen before.

4. She …. (know) about their problem for years.

5. Mother ……..(work) in the garden whole day

6. Most shops …… (close) at 6 p.m. on Saturday.

7. When I ……..(come) home this evening, my parents had gone out for a walk.

8. By the time the troops ……..(arrive) will have ended.

9. By the year 2020, linguists ……..(study) the Indo-European language family for more than 200 years.

10. By the time he was 14, Mozart …… (compose) an enviable number of musical pieces.

B. 1. We………. (visit) the seashore many times before but last summer we enjoyed ourselves more than ever.

2. By Saturday next week, I………. (work) on this painting for exactly one month.

3. By the year 2030, the population of Delhi ….. (grow) substantially.

4. They were very tired in the evening because they………… (help) on the farm all day.

5. When they ……..(walk) through the park yesterday, they met their neighbors.

6. When I was a young boy, I ………. (meet) Santa Claus.

7. I ………. (see) this movie about a dozen times already.

8. We………… (sleep) all day yesterday.

9. Rahul ………. (study) for his maths test right now.

10. He finally………. (decide) to call her to know how she was.

IV. Fill in the blanks using correct tenses

A. 1. ……..He (lose) his watch while he ……(see) the sights of the city.

2. I…………(come) down the stairs when my friend…….. (ring) the doorbell.

3. A few years ago he (live) in Germany where he …… (work) as a journalist.

4. Jaya……….. (get) a degree in 2006 after she…….. (study) at the University for over 5 years.

5. The plane that you………. (look) at now …… (just take) off for Paris.

6. When we went to see them last night, they ……..(play) cards. They said they ……..(play) cards since 6 o’clock.

7. I am so sorry that I………. (have) to leave the party so early yesterday because I. ……..(not enjoy) myself.

8. He usually ………. (work) at the restaurant after school. After work, he ………. (go) to the fitness centre twice a week.

9. Mary told him what …..(happen) to his dog, So, he ……… (run) home to see how it was. ********

10. Look! Those bees ….. (buzz) around the flowers. The bees not Only……… (collect) honey, but they……. (pollinate) the flowers as well.

B. 1. It ………… (rain) since last night and it (look) as if it may rain for the rest of the day.

2. Ravi ………. (not stop) studying until he ………(cover) all the exam topics.

3. When Sarita………. (graduate) from the University next year, she ………. (study) English for nearly four years.

4. When the old woman …….…… (hear) grandson ………. her (arrest) for robbery, she………..(shock).

5. We ………(wait) for the bus foe nearly half an hour, but it……. (not arrive) I don’t think we …..…… (be able to) meeting on time,

6. When I ……. (have) another look I (realise) that the shirt laundry…….. (shrink) in the laundry.

7. In the evenings, I often……… (play) chess with my next door neighbour. I ……. (play) chess with him ever since I….. (come) to live here ten years ago. He has been here all his life. He ……. (inherit) this house from his father.

8. The police that ……. (investigate) the robbery that .…………..(take) place last week. So far, they…… (discover) nothing and …….(arrest) no one.

9. She …….(look) very worried for the past few days but when I ……(ask) what the matter was, she ……(say) it was nothing.

10. He walked along the road, wondering what …….. (happen) and where all the people (go). The streets were deserted and the stalls ……… (leave) as they were, with fruits and vegetables arranged in neat rows.


V. Fill in the blanks with correct forms of tense to complete the passage.

  1. Information technology (1)………. (change) the way access information. Since its introduction in the 1990s, the internet (2) …….(become) cheap and (see) this as an commonplace. Some people (3)…….(see) this is an opportunity to deal with problems like unemployment. They (4)….. (argue) that the government should (5)………. (provide) free internet access to people (6) …… (look) for a job

I do not agree with this point of view for several reasons. Lack of skills is an important reason that (7) ……..(prevent) jobless people from (8)……. employment. Instead of (9) ……….. (offer) free internet to the people, the government should (10) (organise) training programs for the jobless. Giving free internet is unlikely to be of any help. In the first place, it is nearly impossible to control how these technologies (11) ………. (use). Instead of this, the government should use public money to provide subsidised or free bus (need) to tickets for the unemployed who (16)…….(need). To travel for a job interview.

  1. Two years ago Rajeev’s firm (1) ………… (make) a mistake of sending him to Germany. Although he (2)…… (study) German at school, he soon (3)……… (discover) that he (4)………. (cannot) remember very much. He (5)………. (miss) an important meeting because he (6) …. (forget) that ‘halb neun’ in German (7) …… (mean) half past eight in English. So, while he (8). ….. (have) breakfast, his colleagues (9) ………. (be) at the meeting already. When he arrived, the meeting (10) ………(already finish).

When he got back to India, Rajeev (11) ……….. (join) a German course at his local college. While he (12) ……… (drive) to work everyday, he (13)…….. (listen) to language CDs. In the past few weeks his German (14)……… (improve) a lot and now he (15)……….. (know) how to tell the time. Right how, he (16) ……. (study) hard for an examination. Next year Rajeev (17) .……… (plan) to spend his summer holiday in a language school in London. After that he hopes that his company (18)……… (send) him to Germany again.


  1. A
  1. B
  1. B
  1. B
  1. A
  1. C
  1. B
  1. A
  1. C
  1. B
  1. A
  1. D
  1. A
  1. B
  1. A
  1. B
  1. C
  1. D
  1. B
  1. D
  1. A
  1. B
  1. C
  1. D
  1. c

A 1. Shook 2. Starts 3. Encountered 4. Has known 5. has been working 6. Close 7. Came 8. Arrive 9. will have been studying 10. had composed

B. 1. had visited 2. Will have been working 3. will have grown 4. Had been helping 5. were walking 6. Met 7. have seen 8. Slept 9. is studying 10. decided

IV. A. 1. lost, was seeing 2. Was coming, rang 3. lived, worked 4. Got, had studied 5. Are looking, has just taken 6. Were playing, had been playing, 7. Had, was not enjoying, 8. works, goes, 9 had happened, ran, 10. Are buzzing, collect pollinate

B. 1. has been raining, looks

2. will not stop, covers

3. graduates will have been studying

4. heard, had been arrested, was shocked

5. have been waiting, has not arrived, will be able to

6. had, realised, had shrunk

7. play, have been playing, came, inherited

8. are investigating, took, have discovered, have arrested

9. had been looking, asked, said

10. had happened, had gone, were left

V. A.

1. has changed

2. has become

3. see

4. argue

5. provide

6. looking

7. prevents

8. finding

9. offering

10. organise

11. are used

12. need


1. made

2. had studied

3. discovered

4. could not

5. missed

6. had forgotten

7. meant

8. was having

9. were

10. was already finished

11. joined

12. was driving

13. listened

14. has improved

15. knows

16. is studying

17. is planning

18. will send

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