Chapter 9 The Vulture and the Great Spirit Summary, Analysis, and Questions & Answers 

In this post, I am sharing with you all The Vulture and the Great Spirit Summary, Analysis, and Questions & Answers 

Reading The Vulture and the Great Spirit

A. Choose the correct answers to complete these sentences. 

1. The Vulture was upset because ________

a. he didn’t have enough food to eat. 

b. other birds snatched away his food. 

C. others ran away from him and called him ugly. 

2. The Vulture wanted ________

a. to hunt and eat. 

b. to be born as a human being

C. to feed on dead bodies. 

3. The Vulture had to feed on dead bodies of other creatures because _______

a. the Great Spirit refused to provide him food. 

b. he had to prove his strength and power. 

C. it was his job to keep Mother Earth clean and beautiful. 

4. The Vulture is number one in ________

a. intelligence. 

b. patience and strength. 

C. arrogance and power. 

Answers: The Vulture and the Great Spiri

  1. The Vulture was upset because C. others ran away from him and called him ugly.
  2. The Vulture wanted C. to feed on dead bodies.
  3. The Vulture had to feed on dead bodies of other creatures because C. it was his job to keep Mother Earth clean and beautiful.

The Vulture is number one in B. patience and strength

Must Read these Chapters
Chapter 1 George’s Secret Key to the universe
Chapter 2 Feathered Friend
Chapter 3 The Hound of the Baskervilles
Chapter 4 Macbeth and the Witches
Chapter 5 Waste Disposal
Chapter 6 River, Up Close and personal
Chapter 7 The Ransom Of Red Chief
Chapter 8 My Donkey Sally

B. Read these lines from the text and answer the questions. The Vulture and the Great Spirit

1. “I have questions that I cannot find answers to on my own.” 

a. Who said this to whom? 

b. Why can’t he find answers to the questions? 

C. Who finally helps him find the answers? 


  1. Vulture
  2. He can’s find the answer to the question because these question were beyond of his understanding.
  3. Great Spirit helped him

2. “Your body and head were made in the colours of both Life and War, because, 

through both, all things of the Earth will come to you eventually.” 

a. Who is the speaker talking about? 

b. What are the colours of Life and War? 

C. How will all things come eventually through Life and War? 

Answers: The Vulture and the Great Spirit

  1. The Great Spirit
  2. The body and head of the vulture (red and brown)
  3. Everyone has an end to their life and must experience both the phases of life and war because all living things are temporary, and death is natural.

C. Answer in detail.  The Vulture and the Great Spirit

1. Why did the Vulture want to meet the Great Spirit? 

2. What could the Vulture not understand? 

3. What, according to the Great Spirit, were the strengths and qualities of the Vulture? 

4. What was the Vulture’s special job? 

5. Why, according to the Great Spirit, did the others run from the Vulture?

 6. What was the special lesson learnt by the Vulture from the Great Spirit? 

Answers: The Vulture and the Great Spirit

  1. The Vulture wanted to meet the Great Spirit because he was feeling discouraged and disheartened. He felt that no one appreciated him and that he was useless. He hoped that the Great Spirit would be able to provide him with some guidance and direction.
  2. The Vulture could not understand why the other animals ran away from him. He felt that he was not dangerous and did not pose a threat to anyone. He could not understand why he was always shunned and avoided.
  3. According to the Great Spirit, the Vulture had many strengths and qualities. He was a patient and determined hunter, with excellent eyesight and a keen sense of smell. He was also a dedicated parent, fiercely protective of his young. The Great Spirit praised the Vulture for his loyalty and perseverance, and for his ability to endure hardship and adversity.
  4. The Vulture’s special job was to keep the earth clean. He was responsible for scavenging the remains of dead animals, which helped to prevent disease and maintain the balance of nature.
  5. According to the Great Spirit, the others ran from the Vulture because they did not understand his role and purpose. They saw him as a scavenger and a symbol of death, rather than as a vital part of the ecosystem. They failed to appreciate the important role that the Vulture played in keeping the earth clean and healthy.
  6. The special lesson that the Vulture learned from the Great Spirit was that every creature has a purpose and a role to play in the world. Even though the Vulture was often ridiculed and rejected by others, he had an important job to do, and his work was essential for the well-being of the planet. The Vulture learned to take pride in his work and to embrace his unique abilities and strengths, rather than trying to be something he was not.

D. Think and answer.  The Vulture and the Great Spirit

1. Are there times when we need to wait patiently for things to happen? Give examples of such times. 

2. The Great Spirit declares that the Vulture is number one in many things. Is this true of human beings also? 

Answers: The Vulture and the Great Spirit

  1. Yes, there are times when we need to wait patiently for things to happen. For example, when we are waiting for a job offer or waiting for a medical report to come back. In such situations, we need to trust the process and have patience until the outcome is revealed.
  2. Yes, the Great Spirit’s declaration that the Vulture is number one in many things can be true for human beings as well. Each person has their unique strengths and qualities that make them excel in certain areas. Just like how the Vulture’s job was to clean up the environment and maintain balance, human beings also have special roles and responsibilities that they excel in. It’s important to recognize and appreciate each person’s unique qualities and contributions.

E. Know your values. The Vulture and the Great Spirit

By the end of the story, the Vulture finally learns to be patient. He remains proud of who he is, willing to share with others what little he has and bide his time. He learned a very special lesson from the Great Spirit that “All things come to those who wait”.

Do you think that patience, persistence and perseverance are the true keys to success? Have you ever lost patience or have you ever experienced the benefit of being patient and persistent? 

Answers: The Vulture and the Great Spirit

Patience, persistence, and perseverance are often considered important traits in achieving success. Success rarely happens overnight, and it often requires effort and time to accomplish our goals.

Losing patience can lead to frustration and may cause us to give up too soon, but being patient and persistent can help us stay focused and motivated even when things get tough. By remaining patient and persevering through challenges, we can learn from our mistakes and continue to grow and develop.

The Vulture and the Great Spirit question answers

The Vulture and the Great Spirit summary

The Vulture and the Great Spirit analysis

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